Lecture 01: | Overview of the course | Review: Arora--Barak Chapters 1 (except 1.7), 2, and 4 |
Lecture 02: | Hierarchy theorems: time, space, and nondeterministic versions | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 3.1, 3.2; also 1.7 if you're interested in the O(T log T) simulation |
Lecture 03: | Hopcroft--Paul--Valiant Theorem | Reading: The original paper |
Lecture 04: | Circuits | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 6.1--6.7 |
Lecture 05: | Probabilistic complexity classes | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 7.1--7.5 (except not 7.5.2) |
Lecture 06: | Quasilinear Cook--Levin Theorem | Reading: Section 2.3.1 in this survey by van Melkebeek, these slides by Viola |
Lecture 07: | The Polynomial Time Hierarchy and alternation | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 5.1--5.3 |
Lecture 08: | Oracles, and the Polynomial Time Hierarchy vs. circuits | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 5.5, 6.4. Bonus: improving Kannan's Theorem. |
Lecture 09: | Time/space tradeoffs for SAT | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 5.4 |
Lecture 10: | Intro to Merlin-Arthur protocols: MA and MA | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 8.2.0 |
Lecture 11: | More on constant-round interactive proof systems | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 8.2.4, Chapter 8 exercises |
Lecture 12: | Approximate counting | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 8.2.1, 8.2.2 |
Lecture 13: | Valiant--Vazirani Theorem and exact counting (#P) | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 17.0, 17.1, 17.2.1, 17.3.2, 17.4.1 |
Lecture 14: | Toda's 1st Theorem, and the Permanent | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 17.4, 8.6.2, 17.3.1 |
Lecture 20 (sic): | Permanent is #P-complete | Reading: PowerPoint slides |
Lecture 15: | Algebraic circuit complexity | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 16.1. Bonus: "algebraic NP vs. P" vs. "Boolean NP vs. P". |
Lecture 16: | Instance checking and the Permanent | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 8.6 |
Lecture 17: | IP = PSPACE | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 8.3, 8.4 |
Lecture 18: | Random restrictions and AC0 lower bounds | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 14.1 |
Lecture 19: | The Switching Lemma | Reading: My old notes on Razborov's proof |
Lecture 21: | Monotone circuit lower bounds | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 14.3 |
Lecture 22: | Razborov-Smolensky lower bounds for AC0[p] | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapter 14.2 |
Lecture 23: | Toda's 2nd Theorem & lower bounds for uniform ACC | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 17.4.4, 14.4.2; and, B.2 of the Web Addendum (with correction) |
Lecture 24: | Hardness vs. Randomness I | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 20.0, 20.1 |
Lecture 25: | Hardness vs. Randomness II | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 20.2 |
Lecture 26: | Hardness amplification | Reading: Arora--Barak Chapters 19.0, 19.1 |
Lecture 27: | Ironic Complexity | Reading: Arora--Barak Web Addendum |
Prerequisite: An undergraduate course in computational complexity theory, covering most of "Part III" of Sipser and/or most of Carnegie Mellon's 15-455.
Potential topics: Models and Time Hierarchy Theorem. Nondeterminism, padding, Hopcroft-Paul-Valiant Theorem. Circuits and advice. Randomized classes. Cook-Levin Theorem and SAT. Nondeterministic Time Hierarchy Theorem, and nondeterministic models. Oracles, alternation, and the Polynomial Time Hierarchy. Kannan's Theorem, Karp-Lipton, and PH vs. constant-depth circuits. Time-Space tradeoffs for SAT. Randomized classes vs. PH. Interactive proofs and the AM hierarchy. NP in BPP implies PH in BPP, and Boppana-Hastad-Zachos. BCGKT Theorem and Cai's Theorem. Counting classes and the permanent. Valiant's Theorem. Algebraic Complexity. IP = PSPACE and interactive proofs. Instance checkers and Santhanam's Theorem. Random restrictions and AC0 lower bounds for parity. Monotone circuit lower bounds. Razborov-Smolensky lower bounds for AC0[p]. Valiant-Vazirani and Toda Theorems. Beigel-Tarui Theorem. Hardness vs. Randomness and Nisan-Wigderson. Hardness amplification and derandomization. Williams's Theorem. Natural proofs and barriers.
There will be 11 homeworks, and two take-home "tests".
Your well-being and happiness is very important to us at CMU, and there are many resources to help you with it. Please contact me directly if you need assistance or would like to talk about any such issues.
Let me know if your favorite book or set of lecture notes does not appear here!