Package edu.cmu.cs.coral.icf.plan_based.planners.pip

Interface Summary
Change Represents a change in the plan, used for backtracking.

Class Summary
ActionNode Represents the bindings for an operator which with the operator makes a complete action.
BindingSelectionChoice Represents a choice of bindings.
BindingSelectionChoiceIterator Represents an iterator over binding choices which are generated on the fly.
ChangeTracker Tracks changes over time, used in PIP for tracking changes to the plan.
Choice Represents a choice that can be made.
ConcatenatedIterator Represents an iterator that concatenates several other iterators together.
Decision Represents a decision made along with possible alternatives.
GoalNode Represents a goal node.
GoalNodeExpansionChoice Represents the choice to expand a goal node.
HeadPlan Represents the part of the plan consisting of applied operators in sequence.
ListChange Represents a change to a list.
MapChange Represents a addition/deletion of an element in a map.
NodeExpansionChoiceIterator Represents an iterator over node expansion choices which are generated on the fly.
OpApplicationChoice Represents the choice of applying an operator.
OpApplicationChoiceIterator Represents an iterator over operator application choices which are generated on the fly.
OperatorSelectionChoice Represents the choice of an operator to achieve a goal.
OperatorSelectionChoiceIterator Represents an iterator over operator choices which are generated on the fly.
OpNode Represents the selection of an operator.
OpNodeExpansionChoice Represents the choice to expand a op node.
PIP The Prodigy Inspired Planner (PIP).
PIPPlan Represents a plan in the process of being generated.
PIPPlanGenerator Generates plan for the Prodigy Inspired Planner (PIP).
PlanDAG Represents the graph used in the tail plan and summary statistics of that graph.
PlanNode Represents a node in the tail plan, i.e.
ReverseListIterator An iterator that iterates in reverse order.
SetChange Represents a addition/deletion to a set.
TailPlan Represents the part of the plan generated by backward chaining from the goal.