Interface Summary | |
Change | Represents a change in the plan, used for backtracking. |
Class Summary | |
ActionNode | Represents the bindings for an operator which with the operator makes a complete action. |
BindingSelectionChoice | Represents a choice of bindings. |
BindingSelectionChoiceIterator | Represents an iterator over binding choices which are generated on the fly. |
ChangeTracker | Tracks changes over time, used in PIP for tracking changes to the plan. |
Choice | Represents a choice that can be made. |
ConcatenatedIterator | Represents an iterator that concatenates several other iterators together. |
Decision | Represents a decision made along with possible alternatives. |
GoalNode | Represents a goal node. |
GoalNodeExpansionChoice | Represents the choice to expand a goal node. |
HeadPlan | Represents the part of the plan consisting of applied operators in sequence. |
ListChange | Represents a change to a list. |
MapChange | Represents a addition/deletion of an element in a map. |
NodeExpansionChoiceIterator | Represents an iterator over node expansion choices which are generated on the fly. |
OpApplicationChoice | Represents the choice of applying an operator. |
OpApplicationChoiceIterator | Represents an iterator over operator application choices which are generated on the fly. |
OperatorSelectionChoice | Represents the choice of an operator to achieve a goal. |
OperatorSelectionChoiceIterator | Represents an iterator over operator choices which are generated on the fly. |
OpNode | Represents the selection of an operator. |
OpNodeExpansionChoice | Represents the choice to expand a op node. |
PIP | The Prodigy Inspired Planner (PIP). |
PIPPlan | Represents a plan in the process of being generated. |
PIPPlanGenerator | Generates plan for the Prodigy Inspired Planner (PIP). |
PlanDAG | Represents the graph used in the tail plan and summary statistics of that graph. |
PlanNode | Represents a node in the tail plan, i.e. |
ReverseListIterator | An iterator that iterates in reverse order. |
SetChange | Represents a addition/deletion to a set. |
TailPlan | Represents the part of the plan generated by backward chaining from the goal. |