Package edu.cmu.cs.coral.icf.plan_based.planners

Class Summary
Binding Represents a binding of Variable's to PlannerObject's.
Literal Represents a Literal used by a Planner.
LiteralSchema Represents a schema for making a literal.
PartialState Represents a subset of the Literal's true in a state
Plan Represents a Plan, i.e.
Planner Represents a Planner.
PlannerAction Represents an action to be performed, i.e.
PlannerActionSchema Represents an ActionSchema for a Planner.
PlannerDomain Represents a domain for a Planner.
PlannerDomainReader A generic reader for planner domains.
PlannerGoal Represents a goal in the planning problem.
PlannerObject Represents an object in the world that is known to the Planner.
PlannerObjectType Represents a type of object in the world.
PlannerObjectTypeMap Stores the mapping from PlannerObjectType's to PlannerObject's.
PlannerProblem Represents a problem for a Planner.
PlannerProblemReader A generic reader for planner problems.
PlannerState Represents a state of the world.
Predicate Represents the name of a predicate.
Variable Represents a variable in an action schema, i.e.