Beyond Audio and Video: Using Claytronics to Enable Pario


AI Magazine

Seth Copen Goldstein, Todd C. Mowry, Jason D. Campbell, Michael P. Ashley-Rollman, Michael De Rosa, Stanislav Funiak, James F. Hoburg, Mustafa Emre Karagozler, Brian Kirby, Peter Lee, Padmanabhan Pillai, J. Robert Reid, Daniel D. Stancil, and Michael Philetus Weller


Jul 1990


In this article, we describe the hardware and software challenges involved in realizing Claytronics, a form of programmable matter made out of very large numbers-potentially millions-of submillimeter sized spherical robots. The goal of the claytronics project is to create ensembles of cooperating submillimeter robots, which work together to form dynamic 3D physical objects. For example, claytronics might be used in telepresense to mimic, with high-fidelity and in 3-dimensional solid form, the look, feel, and motion of the person at the other end of the telephone call. To achieve this long-range vision we are investigating hardware mechanisms for constructing submillimeter robots, which can be manufactured en masse using photolithography. We also propose the creation of a new media type, which we call pario. The idea behind pario is to render arbitrary moving, physical 3-dimensional objects that you can see, touch, and even hold in your hands. In parallel with our hardware effort, we are developing novel distributed programming languages and algorithms to control the ensembles, LDP and Meld. Pario may fundamentally change how we communicate with others and interact with the world around us. Our research results to date suggest that there is a viable path to implementing both the hardware and software necessary for claytronics, which is a form of programmable matter that can be used to implement pario. While we have made significant progress, there is still much research ahead in order to turn this vision into reality.

  author = {Goldstein, Seth Copen and Mowry, Todd C. and Campbell,
     Jason D. and Ashley-Rollman, Michael P. and De~Rosa, Michael and
     Funiak, Stanislav and Hoburg, James F. and Karagozler, Mustafa
     Emre and Kirby, Brian and Lee, Peter and Pillai, Padmanabhan and
     Reid, J. Robert and Stancil, Daniel D. and Weller, Michael
  title = {Beyond Audio and Video: Using Claytronics to Enable Pario},
  journal = {AI Magazine},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {30},
  number = {2},
  month = {Jul},
  keywords = {Claytronics},
  abstract = {In this article, we describe the hardware and software
     challenges involved in realizing Claytronics, a form of
     programmable matter made out of very large numbers-potentially
     millions-of submillimeter sized spherical robots. The goal of the
     claytronics project is to create ensembles of cooperating
     submillimeter robots, which work together to form dynamic 3D
     physical objects. For example, claytronics might be used in
     telepresense to mimic, with high-fidelity and in 3-dimensional
     solid form, the look, feel, and motion of the person at the other
     end of the telephone call. To achieve this long-range vision we
     are investigating hardware mechanisms for constructing
     submillimeter robots, which can be manufactured en masse using
     photolithography. We also propose the creation of a new media
     type, which we call pario. The idea behind pario is to render
     arbitrary moving, physical 3-dimensional objects that you can
     see, touch, and even hold in your hands. In parallel with our
     hardware effort, we are developing novel distributed programming
     languages and algorithms to control the ensembles, LDP and Meld.
     Pario may fundamentally change how we communicate with others and
     interact with the world around us. Our research results to date
     suggest that there is a viable path to implementing both the
     hardware and software necessary for claytronics, which is a form
     of programmable matter that can be used to implement pario. While
     we have made significant progress, there is still much research
     ahead in order to turn this vision into reality.},

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