15–414/614 Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification

Lecture Slides and Reading

# Date Lecture Additional Readings and Notes
1 01/13 Fast SAT Solving, Part I: Propositional Logic The Coq Proof Assistant: A Tutorial
A Brief Introduction to Propositional Logic
2 01/15 Fast SAT Solving, Part II: DP Algorithm
3 01/20 No class
4 01/22 Fast SAT Solving, Part III: DPLL Algorithm Homework 1 has been released, due Feb. 5th
5 01/27 Coq: Introduction
6 01/29 Coq: Basics I Software Foundations
7 02/03 Coq: Basics II
8 02/05 Coq: Basics III
9 02/10 Coq: Basics IV
10 02/12 Coq: Basics V
11 02/17 Coq: Induction I
12 02/19 Coq: Induction II
13 02/24 Coq: List I
14 02/26 Coq: Induction & Lists II
15 03/03 Model Checking: Introduction I Homework 3 has been released, due Mar. 24th
16 03/17 Model Checking: Introduction II
17 03/19 Model Checking: Introduction II
18 03/24 BDD Graph-Based Algorithmsfor Boolean Function Manipulation
19 03/26 SMV SMV examples
20 03/31 MC in 10 mins
21 04/02 Bounded Model Checking
22 04/07 Constructive Logic
23 04/09 Simply typed lambda calculus
24 04/14 Bounded Model Checking for Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems
25 04/16 Midterm Review
26 04/21 The SPIN Model Checker I
27 04/23 The SPIN Model Checker II
28 04/28 Partial Order Reduction I
29 04/30 Partial Order Reduction II