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Date |
Class Content |
1. |
Jan. 13, 2025 |
Introduction to this Course: What is an Interaction Technique and Why are they Important?
Slides for Lecture 1
Required Reading:
Other Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. "Challenges of HCI Design and Implementation," ACM Interactions. vol. 1, no. 1. January, 1994. pp. 73-83. pdf
2. |
Jan. 15, 2025 |
Pointing Devices and Fitts' Law
Slides for Lecture 2
Required Reading:
Other Readings:
- Card, S.K., English, W.K., & Burr, B.J.
Evaluation of mouse, rate-controlled isometric joystick,
step keys, and text keys for text selection on
a CRT. Ergonomics, 21(8), pp. 601-613. 1978. pdf
- Brad A. Myers, Rishi Bhatnagar, Jeffrey Nichols, Choon Hong Peck, Dave Kong, Robert Miller, and A. Chris Long. "Interacting At a Distance: Measuring the Performance of Laser Pointers and Other Devices." Proceedings CHI'2002: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 20-25, 2002. pp. 33-40. pdf.
- Video of guest lecture by Ted Selker to 2014 class about the IBM Pointing Stick: Slides for his lecture, link to the video shown during the talk, and Panopto video of the talk
- Wobbrock, J. O., Shinohara, K. and Jansen, A. (2011). The effects of task dimensionality, endpoint deviation, throughput calculation, and experiment design on pointing measures and models. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '11). Vancouver, British Columbia (May 7-12, 2011). New York: ACM Press, pp. 1639-1648. ACM ref
- Soukoreff, R. W. and MacKenzie, I. S. (2004). Towards a standard for pointing device evaluation, perspectives on 27 years of Fitts' law research in HCI. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 61 (6), pp. 751-789. ScienceDirect
Start on Homework 1 |
X |
Mon, Jan 20, 2025 |
No class, Martin Luther King Day |
3. |
Jan. 22, 2025 |
History of Personal Computers and their Interaction Techniques
Slides for Lecture 3
Required Reading:
- IxT Book, chapter 2
- All the Widgets video, vimeo or YouTube or download wmv file (600MB), sections: "Introduction" (0:00 - 02:30), and "Conclusion and credits" (2:08:27 - 2:14:54 (end)).
Other Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. "A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology." ACM interactions. Vol. 5, no. 2, March, 1998. pp. 44-54. pdf
- Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad Demo, 20:42 min Video, 1964. mpg download or Youtube
- Bill Moggridge, "Designing Interactions" excerpt #1, pp. 17 – 111. (on Canvas--only accessible to class members)
- William L. Bewley, Teresa L. Roberts and William L. Verplank David Schroit. “Human Factors Testing in the Design of Xerox's 8010 'Star' Office Workstation,” Proceedings SIGCHI'83: Human Factors in Computing Systems, Boston, MA, Dec, 1983. pp. 72-77. ACM ref
- Ivan E. Sutherland. “Sketchpad: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System,” AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference, 1963. pp. 329-346. ACM ref
- Larry Tesler. “The Smalltalk Environment,” Byte Magazine. Aug, 1981. 6(8). pp. 90-147. version
- Gregg Williams. “The Lisa Computer System,” Byte Magazine. Feb, 1983. 8(2). pp. 33-50. version
4. |
Jan. 27, 2025 |
History of Handhelds (PDAs to Smartphones) and their Interaction Techniques
Slides for Lecture 4
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Bill Moggridge, "Designing Interactions" excerpt #2, pp. 180-235. (on Canvas--only accessible to class members)
- Eric Bergman, Ed. Information Appliances and Beyond. San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 2000. excerpt, pp. 82-129. (on Canvas--only accessible to class members)
- GO Corporation - Introducing PenPoint (1991), 15:20 video on YouTube
Mon. January 24, 2022 -
Semester Course Add Deadline
5. |
Jan. 29, 2025 |
Slides for Lecture 5
Required Readings:
- IxT Book, chapter 7
- All the Widgets video, vimeo or YouTube or download wmv file (600MB), sections: "Menus",
"Buttons", "Radio buttons", "Checkboxes" (00:17:16 - 01:01:14), and "Forms and dialog boxes" (01:21:31 - 01:30:05)
Other Readings:
- J. Callahan, D. Hopkins, M. Weiser, and B. Shneiderman. 1988. An empirical comparison of pie vs. linear menus. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '88), J. J. O'Hare (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 95-100. ACM ref or local pdf.
- Benjamin B. Bederson. 2000. "Fisheye menus". In Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '00). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 217-225. ACM DL
- Gordon Kurtenbach and William Buxton. 1993. "The limits of expert performance using hierarchic marking menus." In Proceedings of the INTERACT '93 and CHI '93 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '93). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 482-487. ACM DL
- Gordon Kurtenbach and William Buxton. 1994. "User learning and performance with marking menus." In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '94), Beth Adelson, Susan Dumais, and Judith Olson (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 258-264. ACM DL
6. |
Feb. 3, 2025 |
Methods for Designing and Evaluating Interaction Techniques
Slides for Lecture 6
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Scott R. Klemmer, Bjorn Hartmann, and Leila Takayama. 2006. How bodies matter: five themes for interaction design. In Proceedings of the 6th conference on Designing Interactive systems (DIS '06). ACM, pp. 140-149. ACM DL
Homework 1 Due.
Start on Homework 2
7. |
Feb. 5, 2025 |
Creating, Selecting And Manipulating Objects
Slides for Lecture 7
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. (1998) "Scripting Graphical Applications by Demonstration," Proceedings CHI'98. pp. 534-541. ACM DL, or local pdf, and video or YouTube (3:09). (Topaz)
8. |
Feb. 10, 2025 |
Desktop Metaphors, Icons, Window Managers
Slides for Lecture 8
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. “A Taxonomy of User Interfaces for Window Managers,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Sept, 1988. 8(5). pp. 65-84. IEEE DL or local pdf
- Video of guest lecture by David Canfield Smith to 2014 class about the invention of icons and the Star UI: Slides for his lecture and Panopto video of the talk
- Video of guest lecture by Norm Cox to 2016 class about the graphic design of the icons: Slides for his talk (pdf), and Panopto video of the talk
- Video of guest lecture by Tandy Trower to 2016 class about the design of Microsoft Windows: Slides for his lecture and Panopto video of the talk (but the audio is a little garbled).
- Sara A. Bly and Jarrett K. Rosenberg. “A Comparison of Tiled and Overlapping Windows,” Human Factors in Computing Systems, Proceedings SIGCHI'86. Boston, Mass, Apr, 1986, 1986. pp. 101-106. ACM DL or pdf
- David Canfield Smith, DigiBarn TV: Xerox Star 8010 Final Demo - Live Demo, YouTube Video
9. |
Feb. 12, 2025 |
Scrolling and One-Dimensional Input
Slides for Lecture 9
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- William Buxton and Brad Myers. "A Study in Two-Handed Input," Proceedings SIGCHI '86: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Boston, MA.
April 13-17, 1986. pp. 321-326. pdf or html and video.
- Brad Myers, Kin Pou ("Leo") Lie and Bo-Chieh ("Jerry") Yang, "Two-Handed
Input Using a PDA and a Mouse", Proceedings CHI'2000: Human Factors in
Computing Systems. April 1-6, 2000. The Hague, The Netherlands. pp. 41-48. local pdf.
Optional Readings:
- IxT Book, chapter 6: Percent Done Progress Indicators
- Brad A. Myers. "The Importance of Percent-Done Progress Indicators for Computer-Human Interfaces," Proceedings SIGCHI '85: Human Factors in Computing Systems. San Francisco, CA. Apr. 14-18, 1985. pp. 11-17. Reprinted as Datapro Report no. AS40-300-301, Dec, 1986. pdf. See also YouTube video or local mp4.
10. |
Feb. 17, 2025 |
Text Entry for Computers and Handhelds, and Text Editing
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers. 2006. Analyzing the input stream for character- level errors in unconstrained text entry evaluations. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 13, 4 (December 2006), pp. 458-489. ACM DL or local pdf.
Note: You can skip section 4 -- you do not need to read about the algorithms.
- Video of guest lecture by Larry Tesler to 2014 class about the invention of copy and paste and other text editing ideas.
Homework 2 Due.
Start on Homework 3 |
11. |
Feb.19, 2025 |
Text Entry and Editing, continued. |
12. |
Feb. 24, 2025 |
Forms, Property Sheets and Dialog Boxes
Required Readings:
13. |
Feb. 26, 2025 |
Interactions in 3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality, and Games
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Rick Carey, Tony Fields, Andries van Dam, Dan Venolia. 1994. Why is 3-D interaction so hard and what can we really do about it? (panel). In Proceedings SIGGRAPH '94. ACM, pp. 492-493. ACM DL.
- Michael Chen, S. Joy Mountford, and Abigail Sellen. 1988. A study in interactive 3-D rotation using 2-D control devices. In Proceedings SIGGRAPH '88. ACM pp. 121-129. ACM DL.
- Steve Swink. Game Feel. CRC Press. Chapters 1, 6, 7 and 15. (on Canvas--only accessible to class members)
(Note: Game Feel is written by a game designer rather than a traditional HCI
practitioner, so he doesn't practice the formal study of interaction
techniques. Think about how our class techniques and his approach relate
as you're reading. Because he is a game designer, he may reference video
games in passing with which you may be unfamiliar. If you're interested,
YouTube is filled with demo videos that can show you what the game looks
like and how it plays, especially if you add "review" or "gameplay" to
your search.)
- Video of Game Controllers from 1972 to 2006.
- Video about the camera design of Super Mario World (2D predecessor to
Super Mario 64):
Homework 3 Due.
Start on Homework 4 (after the break)
Mid Term Exam take home test
(see information about the midterm)
(Mid-Semester Grades Due by 4:00 p.m. on March 12, 2025) |
x |
Mar. 3, 2025 |
Spring Break -- no class |
x |
Mar. 5, 2025 |
Spring Break -- no class |
14. |
Mar. 10, 2025 |
Ubiquitous Computing, Physical Widgets, Sensors, Wearables, and Internet of Things (IOT)
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Saul Greenberg and Chester Fitchett. 2001. Phidgets: easy development of physical interfaces through physical widgets. In Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '01). ACM, pp. 209-218. ACM DL or local pdf
NOTE: only pages 209-211 and 215-218 (not the architecture)
- Hiroshi Ishii, Dávid Lakatos, Leonardo Bonanni, and Jean-Baptiste Labrune. 2012. Radical atoms: beyond tangible bits, toward transformable materials. interactions 19, 1 (January 2012), 38-51. ACM DL
15. |
Mar. 12, 2025 |
Guest Lecture #1: Ben Shneiderman, Direct Manipulation and its Many Children
BEN SHNEIDERMAN ( is an Emeritus Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Founding Director (1983-2000) of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (, and a Member of the UM Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) at the University of Maryland. He is a Fellow of the AAAS, ACM, IEEE, NAI, and the Visualization Academy and a Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. He has received six honorary doctorates in recognition of his pioneering contributions to human-computer interaction and information visualization. His widely-used contributions include the clickable highlighted web-links, high-precision touchscreen keyboards for mobile devices, and tagging for photos. Shneiderman’s information visualization innovations include dynamic query sliders for Spotfire, development of treemaps for viewing hierarchical data, novel network visualizations for NodeXL, and event sequence analysis for electronic health records.
Ben is the lead author of Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (6th ed., 2016). He co-authored Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think (1999) and Analyzing Social Media Networks with NodeXL (2nd edition, 2019). His book Leonardo’s Laptop (MIT Press) won the IEEE book award for Distinguished Literary Contribution. The New ABCs of Research: Achieving Breakthrough Collaborations (Oxford, 2016) describes how research can produce higher impacts. His book, Human-Centered AI, which was published by Oxford University Press in February 2022, was the winner of the Association of American Publishers award for Computer and Information Systems.
Picture above: Brad and Ben at the CHI'2010 conference.
Required Readings:
- Ben Shneiderman and Pattie Maes. “Direct manipulation vs. interface agents,” interactions. Nov+Dec, 1997. vol. 4, no. 6. pp. 42–61. ACM DL or local copy or Pages on Canvas
- Ben Shneiderman. “Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond Programming Languages,” IEEE Computer. Aug, 1983. vol. 16, no. 8. pp. 57-69. ACM DL or local copy or Pages on Canvas
16. |
Mar. 17, 2025 |
Required Readings:
- IxT Book, chapter 14
- Video: Dean Rubine. 1992. Combining gestures and direct manipulation. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '92), ACM, actual video or (ACM Ref for description)
Other Readings:
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Andrew D. Wilson, and Yang Li. 2007. Gestures without libraries, toolkits or training: a $1 recognizer for user interface prototypes. In Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '07). 159-168. ACM DL or local pdf
- Jacob O. Wobbrock, Meredith Ringel Morris, and Andrew D. Wilson. 2009. User-defined gestures for surface computing. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '09). ACM, 1083-1092. ACM DL or local pdf.
- Paper: Dean Rubine. 1991. Specifying gestures by example. In Proceedings of the 18th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (SIGGRAPH '91). ACM, 329-337. ACM DL
Homework 4 Due.
Start on Final Project
17. |
Mar. 19, 2025 |
Interaction Techniques for People with Disabilities
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Shaun K. Kane, Jeffrey P. Bigham, and Jacob O. Wobbrock. 2008. "Slide rule: making mobile touch screens accessible to blind people using multi-touch interaction techniques." In Proceedings of the 10th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility (Assets '08). ACM, pp. 73-80. ACM DL.
- W3C, "Introduction to Web Accessibility," on-line
- Brad A. Myers, Jacob O. Wobbrock, Sunny Yang, Brian Yeung, Jeffrey Nichols, and Robert Miller. "Using Handhelds to Help People with Motor Impairments", Fifth International ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies; ASSETS 2002. July 8-10, 2002. Edinburgh, Scotland. pp. 89-96. local pdf
Topics for Final Projects due
18. |
Mar. 24, 2025 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Interaction Techniques
Required Readings:
Form Final Project Groups due
19. |
Mar. 26, 2025 |
Various Undo Models, Interaction Histories, and Macro Recording
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. (1998) "Scripting Graphical Applications by Demonstration," Proceedings CHI'98. pp. 534-541. ACM DL, or local pdf, and video or YouTube (3:09). (Topaz)
- Kurlander, D. and Feiner, S. Editable Graphical Histories. Proc. 1988 IEEE Workshop on Visual Languages. (Pittsburgh, Oct. t0-12, 1988). 127-134. IEEE DL, or pdf and video (2:42)
20. |
Mar. 31, 2025 |
Brad Will Be Away
Chris recently joined CMU’s Big Lab as a special faculty researcher after working at Apple on Accessibility and Siri features like Personal Voice and Siri Health. His current focus is on increasing participation in local government through innovative technology. Before joining Apple, he founded Conversant Labs, a startup that developed voice-enabled applications for the blind and visually impaired.
Two-page proposal for Final Projects due |
21. |
2, 2025 |
Brad Will Be Away
David Lindlbauer is an Assistant Professor at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where he leads the Augmented Perception Lab and co-directs the CMU Extended Reality Technology Center. His research focuses on understanding how humans perceive and interact with digital information, and to build technology that goes beyond the flat displays of PCs and smartphones to advance our capabilities when interacting with the digital world. To achieve this, he creates and studies enabling technologies and computational approaches that control when, where and how virtual content is displayed to increase the usability of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality interfaces. Prof. Lindlbauer holds a PhD from TU Berlin and was a postdoctoral researcher at ETH Zurich before joining CMU. He has published more than 35 scientific papers at premier venues in Human-Computer Interaction such as ACM CHI and ACM UIST. His work has attracted media attention in outlets such as MIT Technology Review, Fast Company Design, and Shiropen Japan.
Optional Readings:
- Hyunsung Cho, Yukang Yan, Kashyap Todi, Mark Parent, Missie Smith, Tanya Jonker, Hrvoje Benko, David Lindlbauer, "MineXR: Mining Personalized Extended Reality Interfaces",
- Jens Grubert, Tobias Langlotz, Stefanie Zollmann, and Holger Regenbrecht. 2017. "Towards Pervasive Augmented Reality: Context-awareness in Augmented Reality." IEEE TVCG 23, 6: 1706–1724.
- Jacek Jankowski and M. Hachet. 2013. "A survey of interaction techniques for interactive 3D environments." Eurographics: 65–93.
22. |
Apr. 7, 2025 |
Formal and Informal Models, Metaphors and Patterns for the Design of Interaction Techniques
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- William Buxton, "Lexical and Pragmatic Considerations of Input Structures," Computer Graphics, January, 1983, (17)1, pp. 31-37. ACM DL or local html.
- Brad A. Myers. 1990. A new model for handling input. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 8, 3 (July 1990), pp. 289-320. ACM DL or local pdf.
Interim Reports on Final Projects due |
23. |
Apr. 9, 2025 |
Tools and Models for Using and Implementing Interaction Techniques
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Brad Myers, Scott E. Hudson, and Randy Pausch, "Past, Present and Future of User Interface Software Tools," ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction. March, 2000. Vol. 7, no. 1. pp. 3-28. ACM ref or local pdf
24. |
Apr. 14, 2025 |
Legal Issues Around Interaction Techniques such as Patents
Required Readings:
Other Readings:
- Brad A. Myers, "Legal and Intellectual Property Issues," sidebar in The UX Book: Process and Guidelines for Ensuring a Quality User Experience, by: Rex Hartson & Pardha S. Pyla. Waltham, MA: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, 2012. pp. 851-852. (on Canvas--only accessible to class members)
- Jacob O. Wobbrock and Brad A. Myers. "Using Edges and Corners for Character Input." US Patent No. 7,729,542, issued June 1, 2010, Filed March 29, 2004, claiming priority to provisional filed April 4, 2003. pdf
25. |
Apr. 16, 2025 |
Interaction Techniques for Help
Required Readings:
26. |
Apr. 21, 2025 |
Groups Presenting:
27. |
Apr. 23, 2025 |
Groups Presenting:
Everyone please fill out the Custom Course Survey and the official CMU course evaluation.
(Last day of classes = April 25, 2025.)
(SIGCHI Conference, April 25, 2025-May 1, 2025)
x |
Apr. 23, 2025 |
Take-home final test on second half of the course (due Fri, Apr. 25, 2025)
x |
Mon, Apr 28, 2025 |
Written Reports for Final Projects Due at 11:59pm
Everyone please fill out the the peer evaluation for your project.
(Final grades due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, 2025 for graduating students)