Brad Myers photo
Brad A. Myers Charles M. Geschke Director &
Human Computer Interaction Institute
Software and Societal Systems Department (affiliated faculty)
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 USA
Phone: 412-268-5150
Fax: 412-268-1266
Office: NSH 3513
(Newell-Simon Hall)

Admin Support: Carolyn Buzzelli-Stumpf
NSH 3519

Research Projects

Former Projects


(See also my complete resume and publication list).

Brad A. Myers is the Charles M. Geschke (SCS 1973) Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute and Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, with an affiliated faculty appointment in the Software and Societal Systems Department. He was chosen to receive the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Achievement Award in Research in 2017, for outstanding fundamental and influential research contributions to the study of human-computer interaction, and was awarded the 2022 Alan J. Perlis Award for Imagination in Computer Science "for pioneering human-centered methods to democratize programming", from the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. He is an IEEE Life Fellow, ACM Fellow, member of the CHI Academy, and winner of 19 Best Paper type awards and 6 Most Influential Paper Awards. He is the author or editor of over 550 publications, including the books "Pick, Click, Flick! The Story of Interaction Techniques", "Creating User Interfaces by Demonstration" and "Languages for Developing User Interfaces," and he has been on the editorial board of 8 journals. He has been a consultant on user interface design and implementation to over 90 companies, and regularly teaches courses on user interface design and software. Myers received a PhD in computer science at the University of Toronto where he developed the Peridot user interface tool. He received the MS and BSc degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology during which time he was a research intern at Xerox PARC. From 1980 until 1983, he worked at PERQ Systems Corporation. His research interests include user interfaces, programming environments, programming language design, end-user software engineering (EUSE), API usability, developer experience (DevX or DX), interaction techniques, programming by example, mobile computing, and visual programming. He belongs to ACM, SIGCHI, IEEE, and the IEEE Computer Society.

Advisee Students (PhD, MS, BS, in CS, HCII, ISRI at CMU)

Current Students

Former Students & PostDocs

  • Daye Nam, PhD, S3D, May, 2024, User-centered Intelligent Information Support for Programmers, CMU-S3D-24-101. pdf. Currently, visiting researcher at Google. Next, Assistant Professor at University of California, Irvine.
  • Michael Xieyang Liu, PhD, HCII, August, 2023. Tool Support for Knowledge Foraging, Structuring, and Transfer During Online Sensemaking. CMU-HCII-23-105. pdf. Currently at Google.
  • Mary Beth Kery, PhD, HCII, August, 2021. Designing Effective History Support for Exploratory Programming Data Work. CMU-HCII-21-106. pdf. Currently, at Apple.
  • Toby Jia-Jun Li, PhD, HCII, August, 2021. A Multi-Modal Intelligent Agent that Learns from Demonstrations and Natural Language Instructions. CMU-HCII-21-102. pdf. Currently, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame.
  • Michael Coblenz, PhD, CSD, August, 2020. User-Centered Design of Principled Programming Languages. CMU-CS-20-127. pdf. Currently, Victor Basili Fellow in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland.
  • Andrew Faulring, Staff, Deceased.
  • Kerry Shih-Ping Chang, PhD, HCII, May, 2016. A Spreadsheet Model for Using Web Services and Creating Data-Driven Applications. CMU-HCII-16-100. pdf. Currently, Senior Research Scientist at Instabase.
  • YoungSeok Yoon, PhD, ISR, May, 2015. Backtracking Support in Code Editing. pdf. CMU-ISR-15-103. Currently at Google.
  • Stephen Oney, PhD, HCII May, 2015, Expressing Interactivity with States and Constraints. pdf. CMU-HCII-150-100. Currently, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan School of Information.
  • Thomas LaToza, PhD ISR, May, 2012, Answering Reachability Questions. CMU-ISR-12-104. pdf. Currently, Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University.
  • Christian Doerner, PostDoc, 2010-2011, currently, Build Manager at BMW Group
  • Jeff Stylos, PhD CSD, May, 2009, Making APIs More Usable with Improved API Designs, Documentation and Tools, CMU-CS-09-130. pdf. Currently, at SAS.
  • Christopher Scaffidi, PhD ISR, May, 2009, Topes: Enabling End-User Programmers to Validate and Reformat Data, CMU-ISR-09-105. pdf. Currently, launching a startup.
  • Amy J. Ko, PhD, May, 2008, Asking and Answering Questions about the Causes of Software Behavior. CMU-HCII-08-106 and CMU-CS-08-122. pdf. Currently, Professor & Informatics Program Chair at University of Washington.
  • Jeff Nichols, PhD, December, 2006, Automatically Generating High-Quality User Interfaces for Appliances. pdf. CMU-HCII-06-109. Currently, Research Scientist at Apple.
  • Jake Wobbrock. PhD, August, 2006, EdgeWrite: A Versatile Design for Text Entry and Control. Abstract and pdf. Currently, Professor in the Information School and, Adjunct Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, at the University of Washington.
  • Michael Coblenz, MS CSD, 2006. JASPER: Facilitating Software Maintenance Activities With Explicit Task Representations. Currently, Victor Basili Fellow in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland.
  • Iván Eduardo González, BS CSD, 2006. Thumb Based Interaction Techniques for Input on a Steering Wheel. Currently, at Microsoft.
  • Andrew Faulring, BS in Computer Science, 1999. Gold: Charting by Demonstration. MS, 2005. Deceased.
  • Rajesh Seenichamy, MS, Information Networking Institute, August, 2003, Communicating With X-10 And Vehicle Functions To Enable Two-Way Remote Control.
  • Rob Miller, PhD, May, 2002, Lightweight Structure in Text. Currently, Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at MIT.
  • John Pane, PhD, May, 2002, A Programming System for Children that is Designed for Usability, Currently at RAND
  • Sailesh Panchang, MS, August, 2002, from the Dept. of Rehabilitation Science and Technology, University of Pittsburgh. Assessing Web Page Usability For Users Of Text To Speech Assistive Technology.
  • Juan Casares, MS HCI, 2001. Currently, at Datrium.
  • Rich McDaniel, PhD, May, 1999, Creating Whole Applications Using Only Programming-by-Demonstration. Currently at Siemens Corporate Research.
  • Chotirat ("Ann") Ratanamahatana, BS in Computer Science, 1998. A Textual Programming Language and Environment for Beginners. Currently, Assistant Professor at Chulalongkorn University.
  • James Landay, PhD, Dec. 1996, Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design. Currently, Professor, Stanford University.
  • Francesmary Modugno, PhD, 1995. (old CMU web page) Extending End-User Programming in a Visual Shell With Programming by Demonstration and Graphical Language Techniques. Currently, Professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences.
  • Nobuhisa Yoda, MS INI, Dec, 1994, An Architectural Design of A Toolkit for Synchronous Groupware Applications
  • Andrew Werth, MS INI, Oct. 1992, Tourmaline: Formatting Document Headings by Example
  • Rajan Parthasarathy, BS CS, May, 1994, Garnette: An Interactive User Interface Tool
  • David Kosbie. Co-Founder and Director, CMU CS Academy Associate Teaching Professor, CMU.


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