Date Topic Reading             Homework
Tue. 8/26 Intro
Wed. 8/27 Matlab Tutorial 1
(2:00 - 3:00pm, Hunt Lower Level)
Thu. 8/28 Uninformed Search RN Ch 3
Fri. 8/29 Matlab Tutorial 1
(2:00 - 3:00pm, Hunt Lower Level)
Tue. 9/02 Uninformed Search cont'd (see 8/28 slides) RN Ch 3
Wed. 9/03 Matlab Tutorial 2
(2:00 - 3:00pm, Hunt Lower Level)
Thu. 9/04 Informed Search RN Ch 4.1-4.2 Problem Set 1 Out
Fri. 9/05 Matlab Tutorial 2
(2:00 - 3:00pm, Hunt Lower Level)
Tue. 9/09 Intro to Probability (Statistics and Distributions) RN Ch 13.1-13.6
Thu. 9/11 Intro to Probability and Bayes RN Ch 14.1-14.5
Tue. 9/16 Bayesian networks
Thu. 9/18 More Bayesian and Hidden Markov Models RN 20.1-20.2 Problem Set 1 Due, Problem Set 2 Out
Tue. 9/23 Hidden Markov Models RN Ch 15.3
Thu. 9/25 Hidden Markov Models: Learning RN Ch 16.1-16.6
Tue. 9/30 Markov Decision Process RN Ch 17.1-17.4
Thu. 10/02 Clustering Problem Set 2 Due, Problem Set 3 Out
Tue. 10/07 Planning and Robotics (marked-up slides)
Thu. 10/09 Local Search and Genetic Algorithm
Tue. 10/14 Reinforcement Learning
Thu. 10/16 Reinforcement Learning Problem Set 3 Due
Tue. 10/21 Advanced Search (not in midterm)
Tue. 10/21 Midterm Review (time TBA)
Wed. 10/22 Midterm Review
(6:00pm, WH5409)
Thu. 10/23 Midterm
Tue. 10/28 Advanced Search
Thu. 10/30 Naive Bayes Classifier Problem Set 4 Out
Tue. 11/04 Decision Trees
Thu. 11/06 Regression
Tue. 11/11 Neural Networks
Thu. 11/13 Applications and Robots: Motion Planning Problem Set 4 Due, Problem Set 5 Out
Tue. 11/18 Applications and Robots: Robots and Cognition
Thu. 11/20 Applications and Robots
Tue. 11/25 Games
Thu. 11/27 Thanksgiving -- No Class
Tue. 12/02 Computational Molecular Biology Problem Set 5 Due
Thu. 12/04 Computational Molecular Biology
Fri. 12/05 Final Review
(5:00pm, NSH4201)
Tue. 12/09 Final Review
(4:00pm, WeH5409)
Thu. 12/11 Final exam
(8:30 - 11:30am, Margaret Morrison room 103)