Aaron Johnson Courtesy Faculty Research Areas: Active learning AI Ethics Bio-inspired approaches Codes of ethics Locomotion Mathematics of computing Modeling and simulation Perception Physical sciences and engineering Robotic control
Srinivasa Narasimhan Professor Research Areas: Computational photography Computer graphics Computer vision Imaging Physical sciences and engineering Physics of Light Seeing Around Corners Sensors and actuators
Larry Wasserman Affiliated Faculty Research Areas: Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Interval Computation Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Physical sciences and engineering Physics Probability and statistics
Anthony Wertz Phd Student Research Areas: Computer-assisted instruction Computing education Disaster Response Education Genomics Human Robot Interaction Medical technologies Modeling and simulation Perception Physical sciences and engineering Privacy Preserving Protocols Public Health Robotic control
Min Xu Assistant ProfessorCourtesy Faculty Research Areas: Active learning Computational biology Computer vision Machine learning Physical sciences and engineering Reinforcement learning Robotic control