Leman Akoglu Affiliated Faculty Research Areas: Anomaly Detection Data mining Graph algorithms Machine learning Social network analysis
James Bagnell Consulting Professor Research Areas: Artificial intelligence Machine learning Probabilistic reasoning Robotics Robotic control Self Driving
Maria Balcan ProfessorProfessor Research Areas: Active learning Algorithmic game theory Machine learning Theory of computation
Prerna Chikersal Graduate-Research Assistant Research Areas: Human computer interaction (HCI) Machine learning Ubiquitous and mobile computing
William Cohen ProfessorProfessor Research Areas: Computer-assisted instruction Information extraction Information integration Knowledge Graphs Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Optimization Natural language processing
Anind Dey Faculty Research Areas: Human computer interaction (HCI) Machine learning Mobile computing Ubiquitous and mobile computing User interface design
Garth Gibson Consulting Professor Research Areas: Database management system engines Machine learning Operating systems
Matthew Gormley Associate Teaching ProfessorTeaching Faculty Research Areas: Computing education Knowledge Graphs Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Scaling Natural language processing
Chris Harrison Associate Professor Research Areas: Computer vision Human computer interaction (HCI) Human Robot Interaction Indoor Outdoor Monitoring Machine learning Mobile devices Natural language interfaces Perception Reinforcement learning Sound Based Input Output Supersensors
David Held Assistant Professor Research Areas: Active learning AI Safety Computer vision Machine learning Neural networks Reinforcement learning Robotics Robot Manipulation
Laszlo Jeni Systems Scientist Research Areas: Collaborative and social computing Computer vision Machine learning
Jonathan King Phd Student Research Areas: Interaction design Machine learning Planning and scheduling Robotics Robot Manipulation
Erika Laing Project Scientist Research Areas: Machine learning Medical technologies Natural language processing
Christopher Langmead Special Faculty Research Areas: Active learning Algorithmic game theory Computational biology Genomics Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Medical technologies Modeling and simulation
Gierad Laput Visitor Research Areas: Embedded and cyber-physical systems Graphics systems and interfaces Human computer interaction (HCI) Machine learning Perception
Maxim Likhachev Associate Professor Research Areas: Artificial intelligence Drones Home Delivery Machine learning Planning and scheduling Robotics
Tom Mitchell Affiliated FacultyAffiliated FacultyE. Fredkin University ProfessorFacultyFounders University Professor Research Areas: Brain Cognitive science Machine learning Natural language processing Never Ending Learning
Louis-Philippe Morency Associate Professor With TenureHCII Courtesy Faculty Research Areas: Computer vision Emotion Understanding Human computer interaction (HCI) Human Faces Machine learning Question answering
Robert Murphy Ray And Stephanie Lane Professor of Computational Biology Emeritus Research Areas: Automated Science Biology-related information processing Computational biology Computer Vision in Medicine Machine learning Medical technologies
Graham Neubig Associate Professor With Indefinite Tenure Research Areas: Knowledge Graphs Machine learning Machine translation Natural language processing Speech recognition
Zachary Pezzementi Principal Robotics Engineer Research Areas: Computer vision Haptic devices Machine learning Robotics
Barnabas Poczos Associate Professor Research Areas: Artificial intelligence Automated Science Cosmology Machine learning Physics Probability and statistics
Bhiksha Ramakrishnan Professor Research Areas: Machine learning Neural networks Sound Based Input Output Speech recognition
Deva Ramanan Professor Research Areas: Computer vision Machine learning Self Driving Video Understanding
Pradeep Ravikumar Professor Research Areas: AI Ethics AI Safety Knowledge Graphs Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Optimization Machine Learning Scaling Neural networks Probability and statistics
Ruslan Salakhutdinov Professor Research Areas: Computer games Machine learning Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods Neural networks Probabilistic reasoning Probability and statistics Reinforcement learning
Jeff Schneider Affiliated FacultyResearch Professor Research Areas: Active learning Machine learning Reinforcement learning Self Driving
Nihar Shah Assistant ProfessorAssistant Professor Research Areas: Algorithmic game theory Crowdsourcing Fairness Information theory Machine learning Numerical Ratings by Humans Probability and statistics
Aarti Singh Professor Research Areas: Brain Machine learning Machine Learning Scaling Networks Probability and statistics Signal processing systems
Ameet Talwalkar Associate Professor Without Tenure Research Areas: Machine learning Machine Learning Scaling Neural networks
Yulia Tsvetkov Adjunct Faculty Research Areas: Abuse Detection Information retrieval Machine learning Natural language processing Neural networks Social networks
Manuela Veloso Professor Emeritus Research Areas: Artificial intelligence Machine learning Multi-agent systems Planning and scheduling Robotics Robot Sports
Alexander Waibel Professor Research Areas: Computer vision Human Robot Interaction Human Safety Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Machine translation Multimedia and multimodal retrieval Natural language processing Question answering Sound Based Input Output Speech recognition
Larry Wasserman Affiliated Faculty Research Areas: Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Interval Computation Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Physical sciences and engineering Physics Probability and statistics
Wei Wu Senior Systems Scientist Research Areas: Computational biology Genetics Life and medical sciences Machine learning Cell LIbraries
Min Xu Assistant ProfessorCourtesy Faculty Research Areas: Active learning Computational biology Computer vision Machine learning Physical sciences and engineering Reinforcement learning Robotic control
Yiming Yang Professor Research Areas: Information retrieval Knowledge Graphs Linear algebra algorithms Machine learning