Ralf Brown Principal Systems Scientist Research Areas: Machine translation Natural language processing Personal computers and PC applications System forensics
William Cohen ProfessorProfessor Research Areas: Computer-assisted instruction Information extraction Information integration Knowledge Graphs Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Optimization Natural language processing
Maxine Eskenazi Visiting Research Professional Research Areas: AI Safety Human Robot Interaction Knowledge Graphs Natural language processing Speech recognition
Scott Fahlman Research Faculty Emeritus Research Areas: Artificial intelligence Knowledge representation and reasoning Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Scaling Natural language processing
Robert Frederking Associate Dean for Ph.D. ProgramsChair of LTI Program Research Areas: AI Ethics Government technology policy Human Robot Interaction Knowledge Graphs Machine translation Natural language processing
Matthew Gormley Associate Teaching ProfessorTeaching Faculty Research Areas: Computing education Knowledge Graphs Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Scaling Natural language processing
Eduard Hovy Senior Project Scientist Research Areas: Artificial intelligence Computing in government Entity Resolution Knowledge Graphs Machine Learning Algorithms Machine Learning Scaling Natural language processing Question answering Social network analysis
Erika Laing Project Scientist Research Areas: Machine learning Medical technologies Natural language processing
Jill Fain Lehman Senior Project Scientist Research Areas: Human computer interaction (HCI) Natural language processing
Lorraine Levin Research Professor Research Areas: Computing education Disaster Response Education Linguistics Natural language processing
Teruko Mitamura Research Professor Research Areas: Anomaly Detection Intrusion and Anomaly Detection Machine translation Multimedia databases Natural language processing Question answering Semantics
Tom Mitchell Affiliated FacultyAffiliated FacultyE. Fredkin University ProfessorFacultyFounders University Professor Research Areas: Brain Cognitive science Machine learning Natural language processing Never Ending Learning
Graham Neubig Associate Professor With Indefinite Tenure Research Areas: Knowledge Graphs Machine learning Machine translation Natural language processing Speech recognition
Eric Nyberg Professor Research Areas: Artificial intelligence Machine translation Natural language processing Personalization Question answering
Kemal Oflazer Teaching FacultyTeaching Professor of Computer Science Research Areas: Natural language processing
Carolyn Rose Interim Director, Language Technologies InstituteProfessorProfessor Research Areas: Collaborative learning Computer-assisted instruction Computing education Discourse, dialogue and pragmatics Human Robot Interaction Natural language processing
Alexander Rudnicky Faculty Emeritus – Research TrackProject ScientistResearch Faculty Emeritus Research Areas: Active learning Artificial intelligence Human Robot Interaction Knowledge Graphs Natural language processing Question answering Robotics Speech recognition
Norman Sadeh Affiliated FacultyCo-Director, Privacy Engineering ProgramProfessor Research Areas: AI Ethics Government technology policy Human Robot Interaction Knowledge Graphs Natural language processing Physical Security Privacy Preserving Protocols Security and privacy Social network analysis
Yulia Tsvetkov Adjunct Faculty Research Areas: Abuse Detection Information retrieval Machine learning Natural language processing Neural networks Social networks
Alexander Waibel Professor Research Areas: Computer vision Human Robot Interaction Human Safety Machine learning Machine Learning Algorithms Machine translation Multimedia and multimodal retrieval Natural language processing Question answering Sound Based Input Output Speech recognition