Howie Choset Kavcic-Moura Professor of Computer Science Research Areas: Bio-inspired approaches Disaster Response Industry and manufacturing Life and medical sciences Locomotion Medical technologies Perception Robotics Robotic control Robot Manufacturing Robot Snakes Robot Surgery
Micah Corah Postdoctoral Fellow Research Areas: Active learning Multi-agent planning Multi-agent systems Perception Robotics
John Dolan Principal Systems Scientist Research Areas: Electro-mechanical devices Perception Physical Security Robotics Robotic autonomy Robotic control Self Driving
Chris Harrison Associate Professor Research Areas: Computer vision Human computer interaction (HCI) Human Robot Interaction Indoor Outdoor Monitoring Machine learning Mobile devices Natural language interfaces Perception Reinforcement learning Sound Based Input Output Supersensors
Aaron Johnson Courtesy Faculty Research Areas: Active learning AI Ethics Bio-inspired approaches Codes of ethics Locomotion Mathematics of computing Modeling and simulation Perception Physical sciences and engineering Robotic control
Michael Kaess Associate Professor Research Areas: 3d Reconstruction Computer vision Perception Robotics
Leonid Keselman Phd Student Research Areas: Computer vision Machine Learning Algorithms Modeling and simulation Perception Reinforcement learning
Aniket Kittur Professor Research Areas: Collaborative and social computing design and evaluation methods Crowdsourcing Human computer interaction (HCI) Perception Question answering Visualization Web Search Engines
Gierad Laput Visitor Research Areas: Embedded and cyber-physical systems Graphics systems and interfaces Human computer interaction (HCI) Machine learning Perception
Stefan Mitsch Senior Systems Scientist Research Areas: Embedded and cyber-physical systems Model development and analysis Perception Verification
Sebastian Scherer Associate Research Professor Research Areas: Active learning AI Safety Motion path planning Perception Reinforcement learning Robotics Robotic autonomy
Sanjiv Singh Consulting Professor Research Areas: Collision detection Drones Helicopters Multi-agent planning Perception Robotics Robotic autonomy Robot Manipulation
Anthony Wertz Phd Student Research Areas: Computer-assisted instruction Computing education Disaster Response Education Genomics Human Robot Interaction Medical technologies Modeling and simulation Perception Physical sciences and engineering Privacy Preserving Protocols Public Health Robotic control
David Wettergreen Research Professor/Director of The Ph.D. Program Research Areas: Active learning Computer vision Perception Robotics Robotic autonomy Self Driving Space Robotics