Language for Semantic Web Services: OWL-S





Semantic Web Technologies

     MultiAgent Systems
     Electronic Commerce

     MAS Management

     Information Gathering
Multi-Agent Learning
MAS Interoperability


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We are participating in the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) initiative to develop OWL-S, a set of ontologies to describe functionalties of web services.

The DARPA Agent Markup Language (Now "OWL") is an essential part of the Semantic Web, a world wide effort to construct a logically based markup language that will surpass current XML based markup languages. OWL represents semantic relations in machine-understandable ways, enabling automatic reasoning about web pages and the information that they contain. We are contributing to the development of the following for the development of the semantic web:

  • OWL-based language for advertising and locating agents, ontologies, and other entities
  • Tools to facilitate the writing of advertisements and queries
  • Matching engines and agent infrastructure (e.g., ontology agents)
  • Ontologies for
    • domain-specific agent services/capabilities
    • describing service parameters and request preferences
    • describing agent resources
    • describing agent security parameters
    • describing low-level services and platform characteristics
  • Agent search engines that serve as crawlers for the middle agent

The main problem we are addressing is that of matching of web service capabilities, allowing web services to find each other based on functionality. Capability matching is crucial for the automatic collaboration of web services. We have implemented the Semantic Matchmaker, a DAML-S-based matching engine that allows web services to locate each other, providing a solution to the capability matching problem, and allowing full implementation of interoperative service providers on the web.

More information is available at the DAML-ATLAS Web site.

Robots on IEEE Spectrum

Robotics Institute Project Page

Publications on OWL-S (DAML-S) and the Semantic Web follow. (See Publications page for complete list of publications).


Copyright 2006 - 2012 © Advanced Agent-Robotics Technology Lab - The Robotics Institute - Carnegie Mellon University

Internal Site (Restricted Access).