Molecular scale latch and associated clocking scheme to provide gain, memory and I/O isolation


In United States Patent No. 6,777,982. Issued August 17, 2004

Seth Copen Goldstein and Daniel L. Rosewater

Apr 1990


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  author = {Goldstein, Seth Copen and Rosewater, Daniel L.},
  title = {Molecular scale latch and associated clocking scheme to
     provide gain, memory and I/O isolation},
  howpublished = {United States Patent No. 6,777,982. Issued August
     17, 2004},
  month = {Apr},
  url = {},
  year = {2002},
  keywords = {Molecular Electronics,Two-Terminal Devices},
  abstract = {Chemically assembled electronic nanotechnology (CAEN)
     provides an alternative to using Complementary Metal Oxide
     Semiconductor (CMOS) for constructing circuits with feature sizes
     in the tens of nanometers. A molecular latch and a method using
     the latch that enables it to act as a state holding device,
     perform voltage restoration, and to provide I/O isolation is
  url = {},

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