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Publications by Author

Robert Allen Xinghua An Shang-Wen (Owen) Cheng George Fairbanks
David Garlan Jianing Hu James Ivers Jung Soo Kim
Andrew Kompanek Ralph Melton Robert Monroe John Ockerbloom
Vahe Poladian Heather Richter Bradley Schmerl João Sousa
Bridget Spitznagel Zhenyu Wang Hong Yan
Robert Allen

"Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA Component Integration Standard," Robert J. Allen, David Garlan, and James Ivers, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-6), November 1998.

"Specifying and Analyzing Dynamic Software Architectures," Robert J. Allen, Remi Douence, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 1998 Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE'98) Lisbon, Portugal, March 1998.

"A Formal Approach to Software Architecture," Robert J. Allen, Ph.D. Thesis, published as Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-97-144, May, 1997.

"A Formal Basis For Architectural Connection," Robert Allen and David Garlan, A revised version of the paper that appeared in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, July 1997.

"Specifying Dynamism in Software Architectures," Robert J. Allen, Remi Douence, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the Workshop on Foundations of Component-Based Software Engineering, September 1997.

"Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA RTI," Robert Allen, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 1997 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL, March 1997.

"A Case Study in Architectural Modelling: The AEGIS System," Robert Allen, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-8), March 1996.

"Formalism and Informalism in Architectural Style: A Case Study," Robert Allen, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Architectures for Software Systens, April 1995.

"Architectural Mismatch or, Why it's hard to build systems out of existing parts," David Garlan, Robert Allen, and John Ockerbloom, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-17), April 1995. A revised and extended version of this paper appeared in IEEE Software, Volume 12, Issue 6, Nov. 1995 (pp. 17-26)

"Exploiting Style in Architectural Design Environments," David Garlan, Robert Allen, John Ockerbloom, Proceedings of SIGSOFT '94 Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineerng, December 1994.

"Formal Connectors," Robert Allen and David Garlan, Carnagie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-94-115, March 1994.

"Formalizing Architectural Connection," Robert Allen and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, May 1994.

"Using Style to Understand Descriptions of Software Architecture," Gregory Abowd, Robert Allen, and David Garlan, Proceedings of SIGSOFT '93: Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, December, 1993.

Xinghua An
Shang-Wen (Owen) Cheng

"Architecture-based Self-adaptation in the Presence of Mutliple Objectives," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, Proceedings of the ICSE 2006 Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Shanghai, China, May 21-22, 2006.

"Making Self-Adaptation an Engineering Reality," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, Self-Star Properties in Complex Information Systems, Ozlap Babaoglu, Mark Jelasity, Alberto Montresor, Christof Fetzer, Stefano Leonardi, Aad van Moorsel, Maarten van Steen (Eds), LNCS Vol 3460, Springer-Verlag, 2005. Also available from Springer-Verlag here

"Rainbow: Architecture-Based Self Adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure," David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste, IEEE Computer Vol. 37 Num. 10, October 2004.

"WICSA Wiki WAN Party: capturing experience in software architecture best practices," Shang-Wen Cheng, Robert L. Nord, and Judith A. Stafford, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 30, Number 1, January 2005.

"Rainbow: Architecture-based Self-adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure," Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste. Submitted for publication.

"An Architecture for Coordinating Multiple Self-Management Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste, Proceedings of the 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architectures, Oslo, Norway, June 11-14, 2004.

"Increasing System Dependability through Architecture-based Self-repair," David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, and Bradley Schmerl, in Architecting Dependable Systems, R. de Lemos, C. Gacek, A. Romanovsky (Eds), Springer-Verlag, 2003.

"Software Architecture-based Adaptation for Grid Computing," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste, and Ningning Hu, The 11th IEEE Conference on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC’02), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2002.

"Using Architectural Style as a Basis for Self-repair," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Software Architecture: System Design, Development, and Maintenance (Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture) Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 25-31, 2002. pp. 45-59.

"Software Architecture-based Adaptation for Pervasive Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste, and Ningning Hu, International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS'02): Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing, April 8-11, 2002. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2299, Schmeck, H., Ungerer, T., Wolf, L. (Eds).

"Exploiting Architectural Style for Self-repairing Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Submitted for publication, September, 2001.

"Reconciling the Needs of Architectural Description with Object-Modeling Notations," David Garlan, Andrew J. Kompanek, and Shang-Wen Cheng, Science of Computer Programming Volume 44, Elsevier Press, pp. 23-49.

"Mapping Architectural Concepts to UML-RT," Shang-Wen Cheng, and David Garlan, in 2001 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2001), Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June, 2001.

George Fairbanks

"Software Architecture at a Large Financial Firm," George Fairbanks, Kevin Bierhoff, and Desmond D'Souza, Proceedinngs of OOPSLA 2006, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 22-27, 2006. To Appear

"Design Fragments Make Using Frameworks Easier," George Fairbanks, David Garlan, and William Scherlis, Proceedinngs of OOPSLA 2006, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 22-27, 2006. To Appear

"Why Can't They Create Architecture Models Like "Developer X"? An Experience Report," George Fairbanks, The 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'03), Portland, Oregon, USA, May 3-10, 2003.

"Software Engineering Environment Support for Frameworks: A Position Paper," George Fairbanks, Proceedings of the ICSE 2004 Workshop on Directions in Software Engineering Environments, Edinburgh, Scotland, May, 2004.

David Garlan

"Design Fragments Make Using Frameworks Easier," George Fairbanks, David Garlan, and William Scherlis, Proceedinngs of OOPSLA 2006, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 22-27, 2006. To Appear

"DiscoTect: A System for Discovering the Architectures of Running Programs Using Colored Petri Nets," Bradley Schmerl, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Rick Kazman, and Hong Yan, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 7, 2006. To Appear. A version of this paper also appears as Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-06-109.

"Analyzing Architectural Styles with Alloy," Jung Soo Kim, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the Workshop on the Role of Software Architecture for Testing and Analysis 2006 (ROSATEA2006), Portland, Maine, July 17, 2006.

"An Architecture for Personal Cognitive Assistance," David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, The 18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, San Francisco Bay, USA, July 5-7, 2006.

"Architecture-based Self-adaptation in the Presence of Mutliple Objectives," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, Proceedings of the ICSE 2006 Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Shanghai, China, May 21-22, 2006.

"Differencing and Merging of Architectural Views," Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, Nagi Nahas, Bradley Schmerl, and David Garlan, Carnegie Mellon University Institute for Software Research International Technical Report CMU-ISRI-05-128, 2005.

"Capitalizing on Awareness of User Tasks for Guiding Self Adaptation," João Pedro Sousa, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, First International Workshop on Adaptive and Self-managing Enterprise Applications, at CAISE'05, Portugal, 2005.

"Modeling and Implementing Software Architecture with Acme and ArchJava (Research Demonstration)," Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Nagi Nahas, and Tony Tseng, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering, St. Louis, MS, May 2005.

"Improving System Dependability by Enforcing Architectural Intent," Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Nagi Nahas, and Tony Tseng, Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems (WADS 2005), St. Louis, MS, May 2005.

"Making Self-Adaptation an Engineering Reality," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, Self-Star Properties in Complex Information Systems, Ozlap Babaoglu, Mark Jelasity, Alberto Montresor, Christof Fetzer, Stefano Leonardi, Aad van Moorsel, Maarten van Steen (Eds), LNCS Vol 3460, Springer-Verlag, 2005. Also available from Springer-Verlag here

"Context is Key," Joelle Coutaz, James L. Crowley, Simon Dobson, and David Garlan, Communications of the ACM, Special Issue on "The Disappearing Computer" Volume 58, Number 4, pps. 49-53, March 2005.

"Rainbow: Architecture-Based Self Adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure," David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste, IEEE Computer Vol. 37 Num. 10, October 2004.

"Tool Support for Model Based Architectural Design for Automotive Control Systems," Kevin Steppe, David Garlan, Greg Bylenok, Bradley Schmerl, Kanat Abirov, and Nataliya Shevchenko, First European Workshop on Model Driven Architecture with Emphasis on Industrial Application, Enschede, The Netherlands, March 17-19, 2004.

"Rainbow: Architecture-based Self-adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure," Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste. Submitted for publication.

"AcmeStudio: Supporting Style-Centered Architecture Development," Bradley Schmerl, and David Garlan. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 23-28, 2004.

"The Aura Software Architecture: An Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Computing," Joao Pedro Sousa and David Garlan. Technical Report CMU-CS-03-183, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science, 2003.

"An Architecture for Coordinating Multiple Self-Management Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste, Proceedings of the 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architectures, Oslo, Norway, June 11-14, 2004.

"Dynamic Configuration of Resource-Aware Services," Vahe Poladian, João Pedro Sousa, David Garlan, and Mary Shaw. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 23-28, 2004.

"DiscoTect: A System for Discovering Architectures from Running Systems," Hong Yan, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Jonathan Aldrich, and Rick Kazman, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May, 2004.

"Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modelling Approaches," Roshanak Roshandel, Bradley Schmerl, Nenad Medvidovic, David Garlan, and Dehua Zhang, Proceedings of the 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architectures, Oslo, Norway, June 11-14, 2004.

"Using Architectural Models at Runtime: Research Challenges," David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Architectures, St. Andrews, Scotland, May 2004.

"Two-tiered Architectural Design for Automotive Control Systems: An Experience Report," Kevin Steppe, Greg Bylenok, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Kanat Abirov, and Nataliya Shevchenko, Automotive Software Workshop on Future Generation Software Architectures in the Automotive Domain, San Diego, CA, January 10-12, 2004. (Workshop proceedings)

"Using Multiple Views to Model and Analyze Software Architecture: An Experience Report," Roshanak Roshandel, Bradley Schmerl, Nenad Medvidovic, David Garlan, and Dehua Zhang, University of Southern California, Center for Software Engineering, Techincal Report USC-CSE-2003-508.

"Improving User-Awareness by Factoring it Out of Applications," João Pedro Sousa, and David Garlan, Proceedings of UbiSys'03 - System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop, at the 5th Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'03), Seattle, WA. To appear.

"Time is Not Money: The case for multi-dimensional accounting in value-based software engineering," Vahe Poladian, Shawn Butler, Mary Shaw, and David Garlan, Fifth Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-5), May 2003.

"Increasing System Dependability through Architecture-based Self-repair," David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, and Bradley Schmerl, in Architecting Dependable Systems, R. de Lemos, C. Gacek, A. Romanovsky (Eds), Springer-Verlag, 2003.

"Model Checking Publish-Subscribe Systems," David Garlan, Serge Khersonsky, and Jung Soo Kim, Proceedings of The 10th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software (SPIN 03), Portland, Oregon, May 2003.

"A Compositional Formalization of Connector Wrappers," Bridget Spitznagel, and David Garlan, The 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'03), Portland, Oregon, USA, May 3 - 10, 2003.

"A Practical Method for Documenting Software Architectures," Paul Clements, Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, David Garlan, James Ivers, Reed Little, Robert Nord, and Judith Stafford, September, 2002. Draft.

"Model-based Adaptation for Self-Healing Systems," David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Self-Healing Systems (WOSS'02), November 18-19, 2002.

"Bridging the HLA: Problems and Solutions," Juergen Dingel, David Garlan, and Craig Damon, Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT '02) Fort Worth, Texas, USA, October 11-13, 2002.

"Software Architecture-based Adaptation for Grid Computing," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste, and Ningning Hu, The 11th IEEE Conference on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC’02), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2002.

"Exploiting Architectural Design Knowledge to Support Self-repairing Systems," Bradley Schmerl, and David Garlan, The 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Ischia, Italy, July 15-19, 2002.

"Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond," P. Clements, F. Bachmann, L. Bass, D. Garlan, J. Ivers, R. Little, R. Nord, and J. Stafford, Addison Wesley, 2003.
2003 Jolt Productivity Award Winner

"Project Aura: Towards Distraction-Free Pervasive Computing," David Garlan, Dan Siewiorek, Asim Smailagic, and Peter Steenkiste, IEEE Pervasive Computing, special issue on "Integrated Pervasive Computing Environments", Volume 21, Number 2, April-June, 2002. pp. 22-31.

"Aura: an Architectural Framework for User Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing Environments," João Pedro Sousa, and David Garlan, Software Architecture: System Design, Development, and Maintenance (Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture) Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 25-31, 2002. pp. 29-43.

"Using Architectural Style as a Basis for Self-repair," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Software Architecture: System Design, Development, and Maintenance (Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture) Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 25-31, 2002. pp. 45-59.

"Software Architecture-based Adaptation for Pervasive Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste, and Ningning Hu, International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS'02): Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing, April 8-11, 2002. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2299, Schmeck, H., Ungerer, T., Wolf, L. (Eds).

"Exploiting Architectural Style for Self-repairing Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Submitted for publication, September, 2001.

"Reconciling the Needs of Architectural Description with Object-Modeling Notations," David Garlan, Andrew J. Kompanek, and Shang-Wen Cheng, Science of Computer Programming Volume 44, Elsevier Press, pp. 23-49.

"Using Gauges for Architecture-Based Monitoring and Adaptation," David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Jichuan Chang, In the Working Conference on Complex and Dynamic Systems Architecture, Brisbane, Australia, 12-14 December, 2001.

"Software Architecture," David Garlan, Wiley Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, J. Marciniak (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, 2001.

"A feasibility study of the HLA bridge," Juergen Dingel, David Garlan, and Craig A. Damon, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-01-103, March, 2001.

"Component-Based Software Engineering in a Pervasive Computing Environment," David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, The 4th ICSE Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering: Component Certification and System Prediction, Toronto, Canada, May 14-15, 2001.

"Mapping Architectural Concepts to UML-RT," Shang-Wen Cheng, and David Garlan, in 2001 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'2001), Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June, 2001.

"A Compositional Approach for Constructing Connectors," Bridget Spitznagel, and David Garlan, The Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA'01), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Amsterdam , The Netherlands, August 28-31, 2001.

"Software Architecture Documentation in Practice: Documenting Architectural Layers," Felix Bachmann, Len Bass, Jeromy Carriere, Paul Clements, David Garlan, James Ivers, Robert Nord, and Reed Little, Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute Special Report CMU/SEI-2000-SR-004, March 2000.

"Software Architecture: a Roadmap," David Garlan, in The Future of Software Engineering, A. Finkekstein (Ed), ACM Press, 2000.

"Model Checking Implicit-Invocation Systems," David Garlan, and Serge Khersonsky, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-10), San Diego, CA., November 2000.

"Pervasive Computing and the Future of CSCW Systems," David Garlan, A Position Paper for the CSCW2000 Workshop on Software Architectures for Cooperative Systems, November, 2000.

"Model Checking Implicit-Invocation Systems," David Garlan, and Serge Khersonsky, In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design, San Diego, CA, November 2000.

"Software Architecture and Object-Oriented Systems," David Garlan, In Proceedings of the IPSJ Object-Oriented Symposium 2000, August 2000.

"Task-Driven Computing," Zhenyu Wang and David Garlan. Technical Report CMU-CS-00-154, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science, 2000.

"An Activity Language for the ADL Toolkit," David Garlan, Andrew Kompanek, John Kenney, David Luckham, Bradley Schmerl, and Dave Wile, Working Draft, published August 2000.

"Acme: Architectural Description of Component-Based Systems," David Garlan, Robert T. Monroe, and David Wile, Foundations of Component-Based Systems, Gary T. Leavens and Murali Sitaraman (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 47-68.

"Formal Modeling of the Enterprise JavaBeans Component Integration Framework," João Pedro Sousa, and David Garlan, Information and Software Technology, Special Issue on Component Based Development, 43:3, March 2001. Also available as Technical Report CMU-CS-00-162, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science.

"Documenting Software Architectures: Recommendations for Industrial Practice," David Garlan and João Pedro Sousa. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-00-169, October 2000.

"Reconciling the Needs of Architecture Description with Object-Modeling Notations," David Garlan and Andrew Kompanek. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language - <<UML>> 2000, York, UK, October 2000

"Rapid Development of Custom Software Architecture Design Environments," Robert Monroe, PhD Thesis, published as CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-99-161, 1999.

"A Case Study in Software Architecture Interchange," David Garlan, and Zhenyu Wang, Proceedings of Coordination'99, Springer Verlag, 1999.

"Formalizing a Specification for Analysis: The HLA Ownership Properties," Craig Damon, Ralph Melton, Elizabeth Bigelow, Jams Ivers and David Garlan, CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-99-126, 1999.

"Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA Component Integration Standard," Robert J. Allen, David Garlan, and James Ivers, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-6), November 1998.

"Towards a Formal Treatment of Implicit Invocation using Rely-Guarantee Reasoning," Jurgen Dingel, David Garlan, Somesh Jha, and David Notkin, Formal Aspects of Computing, 10:193-213, 1998.

"Reasoning about Implicit Invocation," Jurgen Dingel, David Garlan, Somesh Jha, and David Notkin, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-6), Lake Buena Vista, FL, November 1998.

"Architecture-Based Performance Analysis," Bridget Spitznagel, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 1998 Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'98), June 1998.

"Higher-Order Connectors," David Garlan, Proceedings of the Workshop on Compositional Software Architectures, January, 1998.

"Specifying and Analyzing Dynamic Software Architectures," Robert J. Allen, Remi Douence, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 1998 Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE'98) Lisbon, Portugal, March 1998.

"Architectural Styles, Design Patterns, and Objects," Robert T. Monroe, Andrew Kompanek, Ralph Melton, and David Garlan, IEEE Software January, 1997. pp. 43-52.

"A Formal Basis For Architectural Connection," Robert Allen and David Garlan, A revised version of the paper that appeared in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, July 1997.

"Specifying Dynamism in Software Architectures," Robert J. Allen, Remi Douence, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the Workshop on Foundations of Component-Based Software Engineering, September 1997.

"Architectural Unification," Ralph Melton and David Garlan, Proceedings of CASCON '97, November 1997.

"Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA RTI," Robert Allen, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 1997 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, FL, March 1997.

"Acme: An Architecture Description Interchange Language," David Garlan, Robert Monroe, and Dave Wile, Proceedings of CASCON 97, Toronto, Ontario, November 1997, pp. 169-183.

"Agents of Change: Educating Future Leaders in Software Engineering," David Garlan, James E. Tomayko, and David Gluch, IEEE Computer, November 1997.

"Toward a formal treatment of implicit invocation," Jurgen Dingel, David Garlan, Somesh Jha and David Notkin, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-97-153, 1997.

"Capturing Design Expertise in Customized Software Architecture Design Environments," Robert T. Monroe, Proceedings of the Second International Software Architecture Workshop, October, 1996.

"A Case Study in Architectural Modelling: The AEGIS System," Robert Allen, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-8), March 1996.

"Style-Based Refinement for Software Architecture," David Garlan, Proceedings of the Second International Software Architecture Workshop (ISAW2), October 1996.

"Software Architecture: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline," Mary Shaw, and David Garlan, Prentice Hall, 1996.

"Style Based Reuse for Software Architecture," Robert T. Monroe, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Software Reuse, April, 1996.

"Introduction to the Special Issue on Software Architecture," David Garlan and Dewayne Perry, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, April 1995.

"What is Style?," David Garlan, Proceedings of Dagshtul Workshop on Software Architecture, February 1995.

"Formalism and Informalism in Architectural Style: A Case Study," Robert Allen, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Architectures for Software Systens, April 1995.

"Architectural Mismatch or, Why it's hard to build systems out of existing parts," David Garlan, Robert Allen, and John Ockerbloom, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-17), April 1995. A revised and extended version of this paper appeared in IEEE Software, Volume 12, Issue 6, Nov. 1995 (pp. 17-26)

"Formalizing Style to Understand Descriptions of Software Architecture," Gregory Abowd, Robert Allen, and David Garlan, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 4(4):319-364, October 1995.

"Formulations and Formalisms in Software Architecture," Mary Shaw, and David Garlan, Computer Science Today: Recent Trends and Developments, Jan van Leeuwen (Ed). Published as Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 1000, Springer Verlagm pp. 307-323, 1995.

"What is Style?," David Garlan, Proceedings of the Dagstuhl Workshop on Software Architecture, Saarbruecken, Germany, February, 1995.

"Integrating Formal Methods into a Professional Master of Software Engineering Program," David Garlan, June 1994.

"Exploiting Style in Architectural Design Environments," David Garlan, Robert Allen, John Ockerbloom, Proceedings of SIGSOFT '94 Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineerng, December 1994.

"Formal Connectors," Robert Allen and David Garlan, Carnagie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-94-115, March 1994.

"Beyond Definition/Use: Architectural Interconnection," Robert Allen, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the ACM Interface Definition Language Workshop, January, 1994.

"An Introduction to Software Architecture," David Garlan, and Mary Shaw, In V. Ambriola and G. Tortora (ed.), Advances in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Series on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 2, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, pp. 1-39, 1993. Also available as: Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report CMU-CS-94-166, January 1994. Reprinted in "CMIS 460: Software Design and Development Faculty Course Guide", University of Maryland, Office of Instructional Development, Summer 1995..

"Characteristics of Higher-level Languages for Software Architectures," Mary Shaw and David Garlan,CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-94-210, 1994.

""Formal Connectors," Robert Allen and David Garlan, CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-94-115, 1994.

"Software Architecture: Practice, Potential, and Pitfalls Panel Introduction," David Garlan and Dewayne Perry, Panel Introduction in Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering, May 1994.

"The Role of Software Architecture in Requirements Engineering," David Garlan, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Requirements Engineering, April 1994.

"Software Development Assignments for a Software Architecture Course," David Garlan and Mary Shaw, Software Engineering Resources: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering Education, May, 1994.

"Formalizing Architectural Connection," Robert Allen and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, May 1994.

"Using Style to Understand Descriptions of Software Architecture," Gregory Abowd, Robert Allen, and David Garlan, Proceedings of SIGSOFT '93: Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, December, 1993.

"Adding Implicit Invocation to Languages: Three Aproaches," David Notkin, David Garlan, William G. Griswold, and Kevin Sullivan, Proc. JSSST Symp. Object Technologies for Advanced Software, Springer-Verlag LNCS 742, November 1993.

"Towards Formalized Software Architecture," Robert Allen, and David Garlan, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-92-163, July 1992.

"Reactive Integration for Traditional Programming Languages," David Garlan and Curtis Scott, CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-92-217, 1992.

"Experience with a Course on Architectures for Software Systems" David Garlan, Mary Shaw, Chris Okasaki, Curtis Scott, and Roy Swonger, in Proceedings of the Sixth SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education, October 1992. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 376, Springer Verlag. Also available as CMU/SEI Technical Report CMU/SEI-92-TR-17, under title "Experience with a Course on Architectures for Software Systems -- Part I: Course Description."

"A Formal Specification of an Oscilloscope," Norman Delisle, and David Garlan, IEEE Software, Volume 7, Number 5, September 1990.

Jianing Hu

"Adding Maps to Acme," Jianing Hu. Working draft published August 2000.

James Ivers

"Formalizing a Specification for Analysis: The HLA Ownership Properties," Craig Damon, Ralph Melton, Elizabeth Bigelow, Jams Ivers and David Garlan, CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-99-126, 1999.

"Formal Modeling and Analysis of the HLA Component Integration Standard," Robert J. Allen, David Garlan, and James Ivers, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-6), November 1998.

Jung Soo Kim

"Analyzing Architectural Styles with Alloy," Jung Soo Kim, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the Workshop on the Role of Software Architecture for Testing and Analysis 2006 (ROSATEA2006), Portland, Maine, July 17, 2006.

Andrew Kompanek

"An Activity Language for the ADL Toolkit," David Garlan, Andrew Kompanek, John Kenney, David Luckham, Bradley Schmerl, and Dave Wile, Working Draft, published August 2000.

"Reconciling the Needs of Architecture Description with Object-Modeling Notations," David Garlan and Andrew Kompanek. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language - <<UML>> 2000, York, UK, October 2000

"Architectural Styles, Design Patterns, and Objects," Robert T. Monroe, Andrew Kompanek, Ralph Melton, and David Garlan, IEEE Software January, 1997. pp. 43-52.

Ralph Melton

"Formalizing a Specification for Analysis: The HLA Ownership Properties," Craig Damon, Ralph Melton, Elizabeth Bigelow, Jams Ivers and David Garlan, CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-99-126, 1999.

"Architectural Styles, Design Patterns, and Objects," Robert T. Monroe, Andrew Kompanek, Ralph Melton, and David Garlan, IEEE Software January, 1997. pp. 43-52.

"Architectural Unification," Ralph Melton and David Garlan, Proceedings of CASCON '97, November 1997.

Robert Monroe

"Capturing Software Architecture Design Expertise With Armani," Robert Monroe, CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-98-163. Version 2.3, revised January 2001.

"Acme: Architectural Description of Component-Based Systems," David Garlan, Robert T. Monroe, and David Wile, Foundations of Component-Based Systems, Gary T. Leavens and Murali Sitaraman (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 47-68.

"Rapid Development of Custom Software Architecture Design Environments," Robert Monroe, PhD Thesis, published as CMU School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-99-161, 1999.

"Architectural Styles, Design Patterns, and Objects," Robert T. Monroe, Andrew Kompanek, Ralph Melton, and David Garlan, IEEE Software January, 1997. pp. 43-52.

"Acme: An Architecture Description Interchange Language," David Garlan, Robert Monroe, and Dave Wile, Proceedings of CASCON 97, Toronto, Ontario, November 1997, pp. 169-183.

"Capturing Design Expertise in Customized Software Architecture Design Environments," Robert T. Monroe, Proceedings of the Second International Software Architecture Workshop, October, 1996.

"Style Based Reuse for Software Architecture," Robert T. Monroe, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Software Reuse, April, 1996.

John Ockerbloom

"Architectural Mismatch or, Why it's hard to build systems out of existing parts," David Garlan, Robert Allen, and John Ockerbloom, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-17), April 1995. A revised and extended version of this paper appeared in IEEE Software, Volume 12, Issue 6, Nov. 1995 (pp. 17-26)

"Exploiting Style in Architectural Design Environments," David Garlan, Robert Allen, John Ockerbloom, Proceedings of SIGSOFT '94 Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineerng, December 1994.

Vahe Poladian

"Capitalizing on Awareness of User Tasks for Guiding Self Adaptation," João Pedro Sousa, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, First International Workshop on Adaptive and Self-managing Enterprise Applications, at CAISE'05, Portugal, 2005.

"Anticipatory Configuration of Resource-aware Applications," Vahe Poladian, Joao Pedro Sousa, Frank Padberg, and Mary Shaw, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Economics Driven Software Engineering Research, affiliated with the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering, St. Louis, MO, May, 2005.

"Selecting Devices for Aggregation," Rajnish Kumar, Vahe Poladian, Ira Greenberg, Alan Messer, and Dejan Milojicic, in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA 2003), 2003.

"Dynamic Configuration of Resource-Aware Services," Vahe Poladian, João Pedro Sousa, David Garlan, and Mary Shaw. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 23-28, 2004.

"Time is Not Money: The case for multi-dimensional accounting in value-based software engineering," Vahe Poladian, Shawn Butler, Mary Shaw, and David Garlan, Fifth Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-5), May 2003.

"Selection and Configuration in Mobile Environments: A Utility-Based Approach," Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, and Mary Shaw, Fourth Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER-4), May 2002.

Heather Richter
Bradley Schmerl

"DiscoTect: A System for Discovering the Architectures of Running Programs Using Colored Petri Nets," Bradley Schmerl, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Rick Kazman, and Hong Yan, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 7, 2006. To Appear. A version of this paper also appears as Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-06-109.

"An Architecture for Personal Cognitive Assistance," David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, The 18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, San Francisco Bay, USA, July 5-7, 2006.

"Architecture-based Self-adaptation in the Presence of Mutliple Objectives," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, Proceedings of the ICSE 2006 Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Shanghai, China, May 21-22, 2006.

"Differencing and Merging of Architectural Views," Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, Nagi Nahas, Bradley Schmerl, and David Garlan, Carnegie Mellon University Institute for Software Research International Technical Report CMU-ISRI-05-128, 2005.

"DiscoTect: A System for Discovering Architectures from Running Systems (Demonstration)," Bradley Schmerl, Hong Yan, and David Garlan, The 2005 Joint European Software Engineering Conference and ACM Sigsoft Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2005.

"Task-based Adaptation for Ubiquitous Computing," Vahe Poladian, Joao Pedro Sousa, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Mary Shaw, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, Special Issue on Engineering Autonomic Systems, Vol. 36, No. 3, May 2006.

"Capitalizing on Awareness of User Tasks for Guiding Self Adaptation," João Pedro Sousa, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, First International Workshop on Adaptive and Self-managing Enterprise Applications, at CAISE'05, Portugal, 2005.

"Modeling and Implementing Software Architecture with Acme and ArchJava (Research Demonstration)," Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Nagi Nahas, and Tony Tseng, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering, St. Louis, MS, May 2005.

"Improving System Dependability by Enforcing Architectural Intent," Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Nagi Nahas, and Tony Tseng, Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on Architecting Dependable Systems (WADS 2005), St. Louis, MS, May 2005.

"Bridging the Gap between Systems Design and Space Systems Software," David Garlan, William K. Reinholtz, Bradley Schmerl, Nicholas Sherman, and Tony Tseng, 29th Annual IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop (SEW-29), Greenbelt, MD, USA, April 6-7, 2005.

"Making Self-Adaptation an Engineering Reality," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, Self-Star Properties in Complex Information Systems, Ozlap Babaoglu, Mark Jelasity, Alberto Montresor, Christof Fetzer, Stefano Leonardi, Aad van Moorsel, Maarten van Steen (Eds), LNCS Vol 3460, Springer-Verlag, 2005. Also available from Springer-Verlag here

"Rainbow: Architecture-Based Self Adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure," David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste, IEEE Computer Vol. 37 Num. 10, October 2004.

"Tool Support for Model Based Architectural Design for Automotive Control Systems," Kevin Steppe, David Garlan, Greg Bylenok, Bradley Schmerl, Kanat Abirov, and Nataliya Shevchenko, First European Workshop on Model Driven Architecture with Emphasis on Industrial Application, Enschede, The Netherlands, March 17-19, 2004.

"Rainbow: Architecture-based Self-adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure," Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste. Submitted for publication.

"An Architecture for Coordinating Multiple Self-Management Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste, Proceedings of the 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architectures, Oslo, Norway, June 11-14, 2004.

"Understanding Tradeoffs among Different Architectural Modelling Approaches," Roshanak Roshandel, Bradley Schmerl, Nenad Medvidovic, David Garlan, and Dehua Zhang, Proceedings of the 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architectures, Oslo, Norway, June 11-14, 2004.

"AcmeStudio: Supporting Style-Centered Architecture Development," Bradley Schmerl, and David Garlan. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 23-28, 2004.

"DiscoTect: A System for Discovering Architectures from Running Systems," Hong Yan, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Jonathan Aldrich, and Rick Kazman, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May, 2004.

"Using Architectural Models at Runtime: Research Challenges," David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Architectures, St. Andrews, Scotland, May 2004.

"Two-tiered Architectural Design for Automotive Control Systems: An Experience Report," Kevin Steppe, Greg Bylenok, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Kanat Abirov, and Nataliya Shevchenko, Automotive Software Workshop on Future Generation Software Architectures in the Automotive Domain, San Diego, CA, January 10-12, 2004. (Workshop proceedings)

"Using Multiple Views to Model and Analyze Software Architecture: An Experience Report," Roshanak Roshandel, Bradley Schmerl, Nenad Medvidovic, David Garlan, and Dehua Zhang, University of Southern California, Center for Software Engineering, Techincal Report USC-CSE-2003-508.

"Increasing System Dependability through Architecture-based Self-repair," David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, and Bradley Schmerl, in Architecting Dependable Systems, R. de Lemos, C. Gacek, A. Romanovsky (Eds), Springer-Verlag, 2003.

"Model-based Adaptation for Self-Healing Systems," David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Self-Healing Systems (WOSS'02), November 18-19, 2002.

"Software Architecture-based Adaptation for Grid Computing," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Peter Steenkiste, and Ningning Hu, The 11th IEEE Conference on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC’02), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2002.

"Exploiting Architectural Design Knowledge to Support Self-repairing Systems," Bradley Schmerl, and David Garlan, The 14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Ischia, Italy, July 15-19, 2002.

"Using Architectural Style as a Basis for Self-repair," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Software Architecture: System Design, Development, and Maintenance (Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture) Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 25-31, 2002. pp. 45-59.

"Software Architecture-based Adaptation for Pervasive Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste, and Ningning Hu, International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS'02): Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing, April 8-11, 2002. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2299, Schmeck, H., Ungerer, T., Wolf, L. (Eds).

"Exploiting Architectural Style for Self-repairing Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Submitted for publication, September, 2001.

"Using Gauges for Architecture-Based Monitoring and Adaptation," David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Jichuan Chang, In the Working Conference on Complex and Dynamic Systems Architecture, Brisbane, Australia, 12-14 December, 2001.

"Component-Based Software Engineering in a Pervasive Computing Environment," David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, The 4th ICSE Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering: Component Certification and System Prediction, Toronto, Canada, May 14-15, 2001.

"An Activity Language for the ADL Toolkit," David Garlan, Andrew Kompanek, John Kenney, David Luckham, Bradley Schmerl, and Dave Wile, Working Draft, published August 2000.

João Sousa

"Capitalizing on Awareness of User Tasks for Guiding Self Adaptation," João Pedro Sousa, Vahe Poladian, David Garlan, and Bradley Schmerl, First International Workshop on Adaptive and Self-managing Enterprise Applications, at CAISE'05, Portugal, 2005.

"Scaling Task Management in Space and Time: Reducing User Overhead in Ubiquitous-Computing Environments," João Pedro Sousa, Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-05-123, 2005.

"Anticipatory Configuration of Resource-aware Applications," Vahe Poladian, Joao Pedro Sousa, Frank Padberg, and Mary Shaw, Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Economics Driven Software Engineering Research, affiliated with the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering, St. Louis, MO, May, 2005.

"The Aura Software Architecture: An Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Computing," Joao Pedro Sousa and David Garlan. Technical Report CMU-CS-03-183, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science, 2003.

"Dynamic Configuration of Resource-Aware Services," Vahe Poladian, João Pedro Sousa, David Garlan, and Mary Shaw. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 23-28, 2004.

"Improving User-Awareness by Factoring it Out of Applications," João Pedro Sousa, and David Garlan, Proceedings of UbiSys'03 - System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop, at the 5th Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'03), Seattle, WA. To appear.

"Aura: an Architectural Framework for User Mobility in Ubiquitous Computing Environments," João Pedro Sousa, and David Garlan, Software Architecture: System Design, Development, and Maintenance (Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture) Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 25-31, 2002. pp. 29-43.

"Adaptation: This Won't Hurt a Bit!," Rajesh Krishna Balan, João Pedro Sousa, SoYoung Park, Tadashi Okoshi, Jason Flinn, Dushyanth Narayanan, Takahide Matsutsuka, and Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Submitted for publication, December, 2001.

"Using Architectural Style as a Basis for Self-repair," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Software Architecture: System Design, Development, and Maintenance (Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture) Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 25-31, 2002. pp. 45-59.

"Software Architecture-based Adaptation for Pervasive Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste, and Ningning Hu, International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS'02): Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing, April 8-11, 2002. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2299, Schmeck, H., Ungerer, T., Wolf, L. (Eds).

"Exploiting Architectural Style for Self-repairing Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Submitted for publication, September, 2001.

"Formal Modeling of the Enterprise JavaBeans Component Integration Framework," João Pedro Sousa, and David Garlan, Information and Software Technology, Special Issue on Component Based Development, 43:3, March 2001. Also available as Technical Report CMU-CS-00-162, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science.

"Documenting Software Architectures: Recommendations for Industrial Practice," David Garlan and João Pedro Sousa. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-00-169, October 2000.

Bridget Spitznagel

"Compositional Transformation of Software Connectors," Bridget Spitznagel, Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-04-128, 2005.

"A Compositional Formalization of Connector Wrappers," Bridget Spitznagel, and David Garlan, The 2003 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'03), Portland, Oregon, USA, May 3 - 10, 2003.

"Using Architectural Style as a Basis for Self-repair," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Software Architecture: System Design, Development, and Maintenance (Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture) Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 25-31, 2002. pp. 45-59.

"Software Architecture-based Adaptation for Pervasive Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, Peter Steenkiste, and Ningning Hu, International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS'02): Trends in Network and Pervasive Computing, April 8-11, 2002. Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2299, Schmeck, H., Ungerer, T., Wolf, L. (Eds).

"Exploiting Architectural Style for Self-repairing Systems," Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Submitted for publication, September, 2001.

"A Compositional Approach for Constructing Connectors," Bridget Spitznagel, and David Garlan, The Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA'01), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Amsterdam , The Netherlands, August 28-31, 2001.

"Architecture-Based Performance Analysis," Bridget Spitznagel, and David Garlan, Proceedings of the 1998 Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE'98), June 1998.

Zhenyu Wang

"Task-Driven Computing," Zhenyu Wang and David Garlan. Technical Report CMU-CS-00-154, Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science, 2000.

Hong Yan

"DiscoTect: A System for Discovering Architectures from Running Systems," Hong Yan, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Jonathan Aldrich, and Rick Kazman, Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Software Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, May, 2004.

Last modified: 8/29/2006. For comments and problems, contact