Improving User-Awareness by Factoring it Out of Applications

Joćo Pedro Sousa, and David Garlan

Proceedings of UbiSys'03 - System Support for Ubiquitous Computing Workshop, at the 5th Annual Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'03), Seattle, WA, . To appear.

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Computers support more and more daily activities for common us-ers. However, user attention is taking a heavy toll when scaling the use of com-puters for tasks that span many locations, large periods of time, and that are constantly interrupted and resumed. To reduce such toll, computer systems must improve their awareness of user tasks, across multiple devices, and over time spans of weeks or even years. In this paper, we discuss the limitations of building such awareness into applications, and propose to factor the awareness of user tasks into a common infrastructure. We summarize the main features of such infrastructure and distill some of the lessons learned.

For further information, please visit the home pages of the ABLE research project and Carnegie Mellon University's Composable Systems Group.

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