PhD in Computer Science.
2017 -- Present
MSc in Machine Learning, awarded with highest honors (mention "très bien").
BSc and MSc in Computer Science.
2014 -- 2016
Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles (MPSI-MP*)
2011 -- 2013
Research Experience
I am currently a PhD student in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University). I have been developing techniques to uncover the causal structure of simulation trajectories generated from rule-based models of complex biochemical systems, in collaboration with the team of Walter Fontana at Harvard Medical School. From 2016 to 2018, I was advised by Jean Yang. I have been advised by Professor André Platzer since.
In the "PPS" team of the "Research Institute on the Foundations of Computer Science", I developped a tactic for the Coq proof assistant that automatically suggests lemmas for proving the current goal. It relies on a statistical model of lemma relevance, which I fitted on a large corpora of formalized mathematics (the CoRN library). Report{.button} Code{.button}
In the team of Professor Walter Fontana, I developed a formalism to capture the notion of a biological pathway, along with some techniques to uncover pathways in networks of protein-protein interactions modelled using the Kappa language. Report{.button}
I spent three months at the NASA Langley Research Center, under the supervision of Alwyn Goodloe. I developped the "Copilot Theorem" library, which enables fully-automated verification of safety properties of real-time embedded programs written in the Copilot language. Paper{.button} Talk{.button} Slides{.button} Code{.button}
Teaching Experience
Here is a copy of my teaching statement.I was a Teaching Assistant for the the Logical Foundations of Cyberphysical Systems class taught by André Platzer at CMU. I created class material optimized for remote learning (due to the COVID pandemic) and taught weekly hybrid recitations. I was nominated to CMU's Alan Perlis Teaching Award (see my statement).
I was a Teaching Assistant for an introductory software verification class (15-414), taught by Matt Fredrikson and André Plazer. In particular, I designed a set of five labs relying on the Why3 verification platform, which led students to writing a fully verified implementation of a SAT solver with unit propagation. I was also responsible for teaching the two lectures introducing the Why3 platform.
I was an oral examiner in mathematics at Lycée Condorcet and then Lycée Louis-Le-Grand. Every week, I met with six freshmen during two one-hour sessions and trained them for the oral entrance examinations of the French Grandes Écoles. A selection of some of my favorite exercises can be found here (currated with Léonard Blier).
Conference Papers
Workshop Papers
Theses and Reports
Selected Talks
Honors and Awards
Professional Service
- I am an experienced programmer in OCaml, Haskell, Python and Julia.
- I also have some significant programming experience in C++.
- My mother tongue is French and I am fluent in English.