Agent Storm





Agent Storm is a RETSINA agent scenario where agents autonomously coordinate their team-oriented roles and actions while executing a mission in the ModSAF (Modular Semi-Automated Forces) simulation environment.

The goal of Agent Storm is to increase the effectiveness of decision-making teams through the incorporation of agent technology in domains that are distributed, open and subject to time and other environmental contingencies.

The impact of the project for decision-making teams is substantial and manifold. The project demonstrates that teams of agents can (1) reduce time for a team to arrive at a decision, (2) allow teams to consider a broader range of alternatives, (3) allow a team to flexibly manage contingencies by replanning, (4) reduce time for a team to form a shared situational model, (5) reduce individual and team errors, (6) support team cohesion and (7) increase overall team performance.

The project extended the planning capabilities of the RETSINA agents so that they exhibited agent team behaviors. In particular, we modelled human team formation strategies as rules for agents. This functionality endows agents with a variety of additional abilities. First, agents can automatically reason about roles and responsibilities concerning themselves and others during the team formation process. Second, agents can monitor performance/progress of team-mates. Third, agents can distribute needed information to team-mates when the situation changes. Fourth, agents can modify their own individual plans to come to team-mates aid. Fifth, agents automatically re-negotiate their roles, commitments and plans in light of conflicts between them, conflicting sources of information, and to come to the aid of agents in need.

Agent Storm was one of seven winners of the "Innovative Enterprise Decision Support System" award in the Department of Navy Knowledge Fair 2000. The award was presented to our MURI sponsor. Click here for photo of award presentation.



Presentation (.pdf)

Robotics Institute Project Page




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