Srihari Sankar
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
ssankar1 at andrew.cmu.edu
Steven Kool
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
skool at andrew.cmu.edu
Kai (Ken) Huang
Carnegie Mellon University
Software Engineering
kaihuang at cmu.edu
Surbhi Singhania
Carnegie Mellon University
Robotics Institute
ssinghan at andrew.cmu.edu
Alec Foster
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
ajfoster at andrew.cmu.edu
Prince Jain
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
princej at andrew.cmu.edu
Lucas Crandall
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
lcrandal at andrew.cmu.edu
Brandon Perez
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
brandonperez at cmu.edu
Jae (Jared) Won Choi
Carnegie Mellon University
jaewonch at andrew.cmu.edu
Zisimos (Zis) Economou
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
zis at cmu.edu
Subhagato Dutta
Carnegie Mellon University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
subhagato at cmu.edu
Chenxi Liu
Carnegie Mellon University
Computer Science Department
chenxil at andrew.cmu.edu
Abhishek Chugh
Former MS Student (CSD)
Now at Google
abhishec at andrew.cmu.edu
Mei Chen
Now at University of Albany SUNY
Department of Informatics
mei.chen at albany.edu
Eriko Nurvitadhi
Now at Intel Research
eriko.nurvitadhi at gmail.com
Vivek Umapathi
Former MS Student (MRSD)
Now at Takata
vtu at andrew.cmu.edu
Tejal Kudav
Former MS Student (ECE)
tejalkudav at gmail.com
Raoul de Charette
Former Visiting PhD Scholar
rdecharette at gmail.com
Peter Barnum
Former PhD Student (Robotics Institute)
duektron at gmail.com