Alumni Outreach and Engagement

It's an exciting time to be back at CMU!

It’s great to be back in Pittsburgh at the place I’ve called home for more than 35 years after spending three years at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar. And with a new job—assistant dean for outreach and engagement.

I think we all understand the “outreach” part. That’s CMU reaching out to you, and to the world. It’s the “engagement” part that’s more intriguing—that’s us, together, trying to determine how to help each other and make each other better.

My time in Qatar made me realize, viscerally, that Carnegie Mellon is a global institution, but also that students are students, regardless of location. It also made me realize that CMU alumni are everywhere.

A significant part of my new job will be to help determine how the university can be a partner and resource well beyond the time that students spend on campus. You can help—and actually, this part of my new job will only work if you do help.

We need to hear your ideas on how CMU can be such a partner and then help realize those needs in actual programs, events, seminars—whatever.

It’s an exciting time for computer science in the world—technology is fueling the American economic engine in a big way. It’s also an exciting time for computer science at CMU, with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the CS department and the CS Ph.D. program coming up this year. It’s also an exciting time for SCS and CMU, with Andrew Moore completing his first year as dean and Subra Suresh his second as president.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you in the months and years to come.

Mark J. Stehlik
Assistant Dean for Alumni Outreach and Engagement

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