Abhimanyu Lad

PhD Candidate

Language Technologies Institute,
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University.
6403 Gates Hillman Complex,
5000 Forbes Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213.

Email: alad @ cs . cmu . edu



PhD Dissertation:
A Framework for Evaluation and Optimization of Relevance and Novelty-based Retrieval


In April 2011, I joined LinkedIn as a Data Scientist.


I am a fifth year PhD student at the Language Technologies Institute, advised by Prof Yiming Yang. Currently, I am working on a probabilistic framework for modeling retrieval performance in terms of non-independent utility of documents, measured with respect to relevance and novelty of information across one or more ranked lists. This framework would enable automatic evaluation as well as optimization of novelty and diversity-based retrieval systems under more realistic conditions.

Thanks to Yahoo! for supporting my research through the Yahoo! PhD Fellowship for 2007-09.

PhD Dissertation: A Framework for Evaluation and Optimization of Relevance and Novelty-based Retrieval

Research Interests

Information retrieval and statistical machine learning: Novelty and diversity-based retrieval over web documents and news streams, adaptive filtering, probabilistic topic modeling, active learning, multi-task learning.

Top words that appear in my publications:


Book Chapters

Y. Yang, A. Lad. Utility-Based Information Distillation. Book Chapter in Text Mining: Classification, Clustering, and Applications (Chapman & Hall 2009).


Last updated: Apr 20, 2011

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