CS 15-212: Fundamental Structures of Computer Science II

Language and Programming Environment

How to run MLWorks

MLWorks is an implementation of Standard ML compliant with The Definition of Standard ML - Revised. It also provides an X interface, tools for browsing and debugging, and an implementation of the ML Standard Library.

CMU has an MLWorks licsense only for the Sparc-5 and UltraSparc workstations.

If you have problems, please contact Doug Fearing.

SML/NJ for School and Home

Standard ML of New Jersey provides a free alternative implementation with only minor deviations from the revised definition and the standard library. However, it does not provide an X interface, browser, or other tools available with MLWorks.

If you have problems, please contact Adam Megacz.

Local Guides

Supplementary Reading

Principal SML'97 libraries

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Frank Pfenning