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Scheme code for benchmarking, research, education, and fun


   bench/     Scheme Benchmarking Suites
   csp/       Constraint: Port of Steele's Constraint System
   debug/     Scheme programs for debugging Scheme programs.
   eval/      Scheme code related to partial evaluation, 
              metacircular evaluation, compilation, and so on.
   ext/       Scheme Code Extensions: Collections of 
              miscellaneous Scheme code.
   fun/       Some random fun programs written in Scheme, 
              including Adventure, calendar calculations, Micro 
              ELI and Micro SAM.
   io/        IO: Scheme code dealing with input and output 
   library/   Libraries of Scheme Code.
   match/     Scheme code for pattern matching.
   math/      Math Library: Scheme code for various 
              mathematical functions.
   misc/      Miscellaneous systems implemented in Scheme
   modules/   MODULES: Implementation of Bracha and Lindstrom's 
   parsing/   Collection of Scheme code for parsing.
   sps/       SPS: Semantic Prototyping System
   syntax/    Code related to changing or translating to/from 
              Scheme syntax.
   tools/     Scheme Utilities: Collection of miscellaneous 
              Scheme tools.

See Also: 

This directory contains a variety of Scheme code and algorithm implementations. This collection is intended to facilitate code reuse. The code included here is of a type more basic to programming in Scheme. AI software systems that happen to be implemented in Scheme will appear in the areas/ directory tree.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Keywords: Scheme!Code
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:36:54 1995