
The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presents the Spring 2009 V-Unit Presentation on Thursday, January 28, 2010 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in Newell-Simon Hall 1507. Free refreshments will be served.

The presentations will include:

  • Introduction to the V-Unit by Faculty Coordinator Manuela Veloso
  • W. Ben Towne, Computation, Organizations, & Society Ph.D. Student
    Title: The Open Source Policy Project
    Faculty Advisor: Mark Klein


The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presented the Fall 2009 V-Unit Presentation on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. in Gates Center 9115.

  • Introduction to the V-Unit by Faculty Coordinator Manuela Veloso
  • Jeehyung Lee, Computer Science Department Ph.D. Student
    Title: Sketching 3D Faces
    Faculty Advisor: Adrien Treuille

The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presented the Fall 2008 V-Unit Presentations on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. in Newell-Simon Hall 1507.

  • Introduction to the V-Unit by Faculty Coordinator Manuela Veloso
  • ThuyLinh Nguyen, Language Technologies Institute Ph.D. Student
    Title: English-Karen Translation System for Karen Refugees in Pittsburgh
    Faculty Advisor: Stephan Vogel
  • Wen Wu, Language Technologies Institute Ph.D. Student
    Title: Fast Food Image Database Collection and Recognition for Obesity Research
    Faculty Advisor: Jie Yang
  • Shinjae Yoo, Language Technologies Institute Ph.D. Student
    Title: A Smart Optical Character Recognition for Inupiaq
    Faculty Advisor: Lori Levine

The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presented a Fall 2007 V-Unit Presentation on Tuesday, October 2, 2007 from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. in Newell-Simon Hall 1109.

  • Andy Schlaikjer, Language Technologies Institute Ph.D. Student
    Title: A Dual-Use Speech CAPTCHA: Aiding Visually Impaired Web Users while Providing Transcriptions of Online Audio Sources
    Faculty Advisor: Luis von Ahn

The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presented the Spring 2007 V-Unit Presentations on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. in Newell-Simon Hall 1507.

The presentations included:

  • Introduction to the V-Unit by Faculty Coordinator Rahul Tongia
  • Vinithra Varadharajan and Ling Xu, Robotics Institute graduate students
    Title: DeSIGN: An Intelligent Tutor for American Sign Language
    Faculty Advisor: Rahul Tongia
  • Sandra Mau, Maxim Makatchev, and Nik Melchior, Robotics Institute Graduate Students
    Title: BlindAid: Navigational Assistance for the Visually Impaired
    Faculty Advisor: Aaron Steinfeld

The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presented three Spring 2006 V-Unit Project Presentations on Wednesday, May 10, 2006, from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Wean Hall 5409. The presentations included:

  • Introduction to the V-Unit by Faculty Coordinators Manuela Veloso and Bernardine Dias, and Spring V-Unit Participant Juan Pablo Gonzalez
  • Mindy Lauck and Joe Dupelle, Heinz School MSPPM Students, Title: Project HATCH: Helping Advance Technology, Communication, and Health in Haiti, Faculty Advisor: Bernardine Dias
  • Tom Lauwers, Robotics Institute Ph.D. Student, Title: The Adaptive Braille Writing Tutor: Electronic Slate and Stylus, Faculty Advisors:
  • G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, Robotics Institute Ph.D. Student, Title: Evaluating the Effects of Tutorial Interventions in the LISTEN Reading Tutor, Faculty Advisors: Prof. Jack Mostow, Dr. Joseph Beck, Prof. Tony Stentz

The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presented a Spring 2006 V-Unit Presentation on Friday, April 28, 2006, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. in Hamburg Hall 2503. This semester, a team of students from Carnegie Mellon’s H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management conducted a group V-Unit project entitled "Project HATCH: Helping Advance Technology, Communication, and Health in Haiti", in collaboration with Hôpital Albert Schweitzer in Haiti. This was the team’s final presentation.

The first Robotics Institute Seminar on "The V-Unit as an Opportunity to Build a Vision: Case Studies from the Last Two Years" was held on Friday, April 7th in Mauldin Auditorium, NSH 1305 at 3:30 p.m. Manuela Veloso and Bernardine Dias presented.

The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presented the Fall 2005 V-Unit Presentation on Friday, December 9, 2005, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon in Wean Hall 4615A. This semester, a team of students from Carnegie Mellon’s H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management conducted a group V-Unit project to help TechBridgeWorld launch a new public health initiative. This was the team’s final presentation to examine the possibility of a virtual community that would provide unique opportunities to share best practices among peers in the public health field. As a case study, the students focused on reproductive health professionals in Peru as potential participants in a virtual community.

The TechBridgeWorld Seminar Series presented the Summer 2005 V-Unit presentations on Wednesday October 26, 2005. Our recent V-Unit participants shared their experiences to a large and diverse crowd of interested students and faculty. The presentations included:

  • Introduction to the V-Unit by Faculty Coordinators Manuela Veloso and Bernardine Dias, and Spring V-Unit Participant Juan Pablo Gonzalez
  • Ayorkor Mills-Tettey, RI, Title: Investigating the Impact of an Automated Reading Tutor in Ghana, Faculty Advisor: Jack Mostow
  • Aditya Chand, HCII, Title: Physical Interfaces for Semiliterate Users, Faculty Advisor: Anind Dey
  • Fei Huang, LTI, Title: Detecting Bilingual Medical Term Translations via Web Mining, Faculty Advisor: Stephan Vogel
  • Ariadna Font Llitjós, LTI, Title: Developing a Quechua to Spanish Translation System, Faculty Advisor: Jaime Carbonell

The first V-Unit presentation session was held on May 6, 2005, noon-1:30pm, in NSH 3002. Obaidullah Khawaja and Juan Pablo Gonzalez presented their Spring 2005 V-Units. All were invited to attend.

Here is the announcement from our first informational meeting on the V-Unit:

Dear SCS grad students,

We are pleased to present to you the V unit (vision unit); an exciting new opportunity to apply your technology skills to address non-traditional problems dealing with society, development, and the environment. This internship/independent study opportunity encourages you to broaden your perspective of important challenges in technology research, and challenges you to develop innovative solutions that will benefit non-traditional groups/areas currently neglected by the major research funding sources. Completing a V unit will earn you academic credit, teach you to build a broader vision for challenges in technology research, and encourage you to gain greater perspective that will greatly benefit you in the future.

Manuela Veloso and Bernardine Dias will be coordinating this program. The requirements are as follows:

  • Meet with Manuela or Bernardine.
  • Prepare a project proposal and secure a relevant faculty advisors (we will help you with the proposal)
  • Complete the proposed project
  • Write a technical paper about the project and get it approved by Manuela or Bernardine
  • Make a presentation during the V unit seminar series about your V unit experience

Several of you have already indicated an interest in participating in such a program. Hence, we will be organizing an informational session for any graduate student in SCS who is interested in participating in this program in the Spring 2005 semester, or the Summer of 2005. This will be a meeting to concretely discuss your ideas for projects and plan your participation in the V unit program. Here is the relevant information:

Date: Friday, October 15, 2004
Time: 3 p.m.
Venue: NSH 1507

If you are interested in participating in this program but cannot attend the meeting, please send email to Manuela Veloso ( or Bernardine Dias ( and arrange a meeting. We will be selecting V unit participants for the Spring and Summer within the next month.

Thank you. We hope many of you will take advantage of this great opportunity.