Obaidullah Khawaja  

Obaidullah Khawaja, INI, Spring 2005
Faculty Advisor: Prof Peter Steenkiste

Title: Ad-hoc Sensor Network for Tsunami Early Warning System Faculty Advisor: Professor Peter Steenkiste





I am a Masters student at the Information Networking Institute. I have a computer science background with a special interest in distributed systems and networking.
After the recent Tsunami disaster, I was intrigued as to how early warning systems can be improved and made more reliable. Efficient communication and the involvement of community members along the coast are both areas which I find interesting and will use for added focus.


Project Synopsis


I am designing an ad-hoc sensor network which will consist of two types of nodes. Active nodes will collect data from the seas bed or the surface of the sea. This data will be used to predict a Tsunami. Passive nodes will interpret this data and will be located on the coastline. Members of coastal village communities should be able monitor the information displayed at the passive nodes and should be prepared to take organized action when certain thresholds are crossed.

Reliability of the information collected and the speed with which it is verified are important considerations. Also, the survivability of the ad-hoc network is essential. This is an important consideration because a communications infrastructure which survives disaster can aid relief efforts I hope to design this distributed system during this semester long project and simulate it as well.