Algebraic fingerprints for faster algorithms [pdf]
(with Ryan Williams) Communications of the ACM, January
Scalable Constrained Clustering: A Generalized
Spectral Method [arxiv]
with Mihai Cucuringu, Sanjay Chawla, Gary Miller, Richard Peng AISTATS 2016
Spanning Edge Centrality: Large-scale computations
and applications [pdf]
(with Charalampos Mavroforakis, Richard Garcia-Lebron and
Evimaria Terzi) WWW 2015
A Generalized Cheeger Inequality [arxiv]
(with Gary Miller, Richard Peng)
Simple parallel and distributed algorithms for
spectral graph sparsification [arxiv] SPAA 2014
A fast solver for a class of linear
systems [pdf]
(with Gary Miller, Richard Peng) Communications of the ACM
Faster spectral sparsification and numerical
algorithms for SDD matrices [arxiv]
Alex Levin, Richard Peng)
This article subsumes the results
of our STACS 2012 paper
Constrained multilinear detection for faster
functional motif discovery [arxiv] Information Processing Letters 2012
Train marshalling is fixed parameter
tractable [pdf]
(with Leo Brueggeman, Michael Fellows,
Rudolf Fleischer, Martin Lackner,
Komusiewicz, Andreas Pfandler and Frances Rosamond
) FUN2012
nearly-m*logn solver for SDD linear systems [ arxiv]
(with Gary Miller, Richard Peng) FOCS
Near linear-work parallel SDD solvers,
low-diameter decomposition and low-stretch subgraphs
(with Guy Blelloch, Anupam Gupta, Gary Miller, Richard Peng,
Kanat Tangwongsan) SPAA
Spectral counting of triangles in power-law networks
via element-wise sparsification and triangle-based link
recommendation [pdf]
(with Charalambos Tsourakakis, Petros Drineas, Eirinaios
Michelakis, Christos Faloutsos) Social
Network Analysis and Mining ASONAM 2009Conference Version: [pdf]
Approaching optimality for solving SDD systems [arxiv]
(with Gary Miller, Richard Peng) FOCS 2010
Hierarchical Diagonal Blocking with precision
reduction applied to combinatorial multigrid[ pdf] (with Guy E. Blelloch, Gary Miller, Kanat Tangwongsan) SC10
Limits and applications of group algebras for
parameterized problems [pdf] (with Ryan Williams)
Thefull version of the paper retracts the
erroneous claim for the k-leaf problem and addresses other
minor issues.
Theoriginal paper can be found here: [pdf] ICALP 2009
Faster algebraic algorithms for path and
packing problems [pdf] ICALP 2008
Graph partitioning into isolated, high conductance
theory, computation and applications to preconditioning [pdf] (with Gary Miller) SPAA
Unassisted Segmentation of Multiple Retinal Layers
via Spectral Rounding[pdf] (with David Tolliver, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Joel Shuman, Gary
Miller) ARVO
Combinatorial and algebraic tools for optimal
multilevel algorithms [pdf] PhD Thesis, CMU-CS-07-131
A linear work O(n1/6) time algorithm
for solving planar Laplacians [pdf] (with Gary Miller) SODA 2007
Dimensionality restrictions on sums over Zpd
[pdf] Technical Report CMU-CS-07-103
These results
were published in a shlightly stronger form in:
''On the number of subsequences with given sum of sequences
over finite Abelian $p$-groups'',
by Weidong Gao and Alfred Geroldinger , Rocky Mountain J.
Mathematics, 2007 [pdf]
This informal
publication discusses the computation of matrix eigenvalues
via a descent-through-pseudospectra approach. It represents
joint work with E. Gallopoulos, which was presented at FOCM
1999, and at the 5th IMACS conference on iterative
methods ( abstract )
Exclusion regions and fast estimation of
pseudospectra [pdf]
This work was
presented in an invited talk at the 2003 SIAM annual meeting