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    Liz Crawford

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I finished my PhD in 2009 and joined the startup world. You can check out my current adventure here: Aprizi. Prior to Aprizi, I was a co-founder of Crono, which is now in open beta.

You can find me on twitter, tumblr and posterous.

The rest of this website is very out of date, but it does have some info about my grad research.

About me

I am a PhD student in the Computer Science Department of Carnegie Mellon University . My advisor is Manuela Veloso. I am from Australia and did my undergraduate study at the University of Sydney. My research is mostly in Multiagent Systems, and I am part of the CORAL research group.

I am involved with Women@SCS, particularly in the out-reach program. We give many presentations each semester to children, teenagers, and teachers at local schools, as well as to undergraduates at schools across the country. The presentations are designed to highlight the wide range of study and research that can be undertaken in Computer Science.

I like parks and forests, sunshine and beaches, animals, economics, politics and good Thai food :). And I read rather a lot of books! I even blog about them sometimes.

Courses TA'ed at CMU: Algorithms, taught by Manuel Blum; Planning, Execution and Learning, taught by Manuela Veloso and Reid Simmons.

Courses taken at CMU: Semantics, Computer Networks, Writing, Planning, Graduate Algorithms, Electronic Marketplaces, Algorithms in the Real World, Optimizing Compilers, and Game Theory.

Courses audited: Machine Learning Theory

Please email me if you would like a copy of my CV.

Contact Details

Full name:  Elisabeth Crawford - the 's' is not a typo :), but many an official document has been handed to me with a 'z' instead.
Email: (you can leave out the junk part!)
Phone: (412) 268-3898
Fax (shared): (412) 268-5576
Office: Wean Hall 8201
Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh PA, 15213, USA

Where is Liz?

Except for the times listed below I can often be found in my office and occasionally in the lab (WeH 1302, ph. 412-268-2601)

Monday: 4:30-6:00 CORAL seminar

Wednesday: 10:00-11:00 RSDM (Radar)

Thursday: all day work from home