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Other Spoken Language Interface toolkits

Here are some links to other toolkits for spoken language interface development:

CSLU toolkit a comprehensive suite of tools to enable exploration, learning and research into speech and human-computer interaction
TrindiKit a toolkit for building and experimenting with dialogue move engines and information states
Ariadne a generic task and language independent dialogue system that generates interactions with users based on a description of an application
Galateea an open-source toolkit for anthropomorphic spoken dialogue agent with which one can develope a life-like animated agent that talks with the user and can be easily customized with the face, voice, and dialog grammar
Midiki a dialogue toolkit that is friendly to linguists, supporting sophisticated behavior while providing full visibility into its internal operations
DIPPER DIPPER supports building (spoken) dialogue systems, by offering interfaces to speech recognisers (Nuance), speech synthesisers (Festival), dialogue managers, natural language understanding, and automated reasoning (SPASS, Bliksem, Mace, PARADOX).