
RI | Centers | CFR | Seminar

Foundations of Robotics Seminar     Spring 2008

General Information | Seminar Archive | Contact

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Seminar Calendar

Information on the speaker, when available, can be viewed by clicking on the speaker's name. The abstract, when available, can be viewed by clicking on the title of the seminar.




Host (Appointments)

January 29

Geometric Methods for Dynamically Complex Manipulation Planning and Control

Todd Murphey

University of Colorado at Boulder

Howie Choset (Amir Degani)

February 5


February 12

Morse theory, singularity theory, and gripping smooth objects

Steve Ferry Rutgers Matt Mason (Alberto Rodriguez)

February 19


February 26

Online Grasp Generation in Complex Environments

Dmitry Berenson

Carnegie Mellon University

Dmitry Berenson

March 4

Tracking in Bipedal Domains

Garratt Gallagher

Carnegie Mellon University

Garratt Gallagher

March 11

Spring Break - NO CFR Seminar



March 18

Adaptive workspace biasing for sampling-based planners

Matthew Zucker

Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Zucker

March 25

Imitation Learning for Locomotion and Manipulation

Nathan Ratliff

Carnegie Mellon University

Nathan Ratliff

April 1


April 15

Smith Hall 100

Mobile manipulation for household tasks

Rosen Diankov

Carnegie Mellon University

Rosen Diankov

April 22

NSH 1305

Curious Creatures: Biomimetic Novelties for Robot  Development Involving Arthropods

John Rawlins Carnegie Museum of Natural History Howie Choset

April 29


May 6


May 13

ICRA 2008 Practice talks

Ross A. Knepper
Stephen Tully

Carnegie Mellon University

Alberto Rodriguez

May 20 - No CFR -  ICRA 2008

 No CFR -  ICRA 2008



General Information

Seminars are held on Tuesdays in NSH 1507, unless otherwise noted on the calendar or abstract. Seminars begin at 4:30pm. Feel free to arrive early to get the first shot at the cookies and talk to your colleagues.

If you would like to arrange a meeting with a speaker, please contact the speaker if they are from CMU, or their host, listed on the calendar, if they are from outside of the University.

Seminar Archive

Fall 2007

Spring 2007

Fall 2006

Spring 2006

Fall 2005

Spring 2005

Spring - Fall 2004

Fall 2003

Spring 2003


For technical issues and final scheduling commitments, as well as opinions or suggestions on speakers and seminar topics, please contact Alberto Rodriguez by email.

The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
This page maintained by Alberto Rodriguez