tThe Robotics Institute

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Foundations of Robotics Seminar     Spring 2006

General Information | Seminar Archive | Contact

Seminar Calendar

Information on the speaker, when available, can be viewed by clicking on the speaker's name. The abstract, when available, can be viewed by clicking on the title of the seminar.




Host (Appointments)

January 25

Estimating the State of Hybrid Systems: HMM + Timed Automata = Context Identification

Sarjoun Skaff

Carnegie Mellon University

Sarjoun Skaff

February  8

Room Change: Smith 100

Finding Structure in Mobile-Robot Error Recovery

Ravi Balasubramanian

Carnegie Mellon University

Ravi Balasubramanian

February 15

Room Change: Smith 100

Distributed Manipulation Using Naturally Existing Force Fields

Hyungpil Moon

Carnegie Mellon University

Hyungpil Moon

February 22

Algebraic Topological Tools for Sensor Networks

Robert Ghrist

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Howie Choset

March 22

Gait Regulation and Feedback on a Robotic Climbing Hexapod

Clark Haynes

Carnegie Mellon University

Clark Haynes

April 26

Methodology for Design and Analysis of Physically Cooperating Mobile Robots

Ashish Deshpande

University of Michigan

Howie Choset

May 3

Hierarchical Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (HSLAM)

Deryck Morales

Carnegie Mellon University

Deryck Morales

May 11 Special Date/Place

Thursday/Smith 100

Stability and Control for a Class of Dynamic Legged Climbers

Kevin Oishi

Carnegie Mellon University

Kevin Oishi

May 22     Room/Time Change

Smith 100 / 4pm

Computing stable equilibrium stances of a legged robot in frictional environments

Yizhar Or

Technion Institute of Technology

Howie Choset

May 31

 Integrated Planning and Control for Convex-bodied Nonholonomic Systems Using Local Feedback Control Policies

David Conner

Carnegie Mellon University

David Conner


General Information

Seminars are held every Wednesdays at Newell-Simon Hall 1507, unless otherwise noted on the calendar or abstract. Seminars begin at 5:00pm, and refreshments are served starting at 4:45pm. Feel free to arrive early to get the first shot at the cookies and talk to your colleagues; please try not to leave during a seminar in deference to the speaker.

If you would like to arrange a meeting with a speaker, please contact the speaker if they are from CMU, or their host, listed on the calendar, if they are from outside of the University.

Seminar Archive

Fall 2005

Spring 2005

Spring - Fall 2004

Fall 2003

Spring 2003


For technical issues and final scheduling commitments, as well as opinions or suggestions on speakers and seminar topics, please contact Sarjoun Skaff by e-mail at

The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
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