33 Rows |
A pale green adamite on calcite small cabinet piece from the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. It's dimorphous with paradamite and highly fluorescent. The fluorescensce is the same hue under both short and long wave UV - it's caused by uranyl impurities. Thanks to Graeber & Himes' table at the 2000 Carnegie Gem & Mineral Show for the specimen! |
Another green adamite from the Ojuela Mine. This gemmy miniature is phosphorescent yellow-green under LUV. Thanks to Juan Angel Tort-Figueroa of Torreon, Mexico, for the specimen! | |
Light yellow (highly fluorescent) adamite and a little hemimorphite on matrix miniature, probably from Mapimi, Mexico, but may be Gold Hill, Tooele County, Utah material. Thanks to Martha Crawford's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
Row 2 |
 Adamite var. Aluminoadamite
Aluminum can also replace some of the zinc in adamite, turning it sky-blue - this beautiful small cabinet piece comes from (probaly the type locality near) Laurion, Greece. Thanks to Chris Auer's (Eureka Micromounts) auction on eBay for the specimen! | | |
 Adamite var. Cobaltoadamite
As with cuproadamite, cobaltoadamite (or cobaltian adamite) occurs when cobalt replaces some of the zinc - it, too, is not an accepted mineral; more just a colored variety, though much rarer than cuproadamite. This beautiful rosy-centered small cabinet specimen comes from the 1998 find at Level 6, Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. The (LW) fluorescence is a bright "new-grass" green but stops short (0.5 mm or so) of the crystal faces - interestingly, Manuel Robbins, in "Fluorescence: Gems & Minerals Under Ultraviolet Light", states that "apparently, the purple adamite from Mapimi does not fluoresce". Thanks to Rob Kulakofsky at the Arizona Mineral Company for the specimen and the closeup (larger image, bottom row) images! Image copyrighted by the Arizona Mineral Company. | |
 Adamite var. Cuproadamite
Copper can replace some of the zinc in adamite, making it green and killing the flurorescence. Cuproadamite (cuprian adamite) is not officially recognized as a separate mineral, but it's often marketed as such. Adamite forms a series with olivenite - cuproadamite is midway. This miniature comes from the classic Christiana Mine, Agios Constantinos, Laurion, Attiki, Greece. Thanks to Tom & Vicki Loomis at Dakota Matrix Minerals for the specimen and the image! | |
Row 3 |
 Adamite var. Cuproadamite
A miniature of beautiful deep green cuproadamite rosettes on halloysite from the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Thanks to Juan Angel Tort-Figueroa of Torreon, Mexico, for the specimen! | |
 Adamite var. Cuproadamite
Another miniature of green cuproadamite rosettes on botryoidal conichalcite from the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Thanks to Juan Angel Tort-Figueroa of Torreon, Mexico, for the specimen! | |
 Adamite var. Cuproadamite
A third miniature of bright blue-green cuproadamite rosettes on botryoidal conichalcite with cuproaustinite from the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Thanks to Juan Angel Tort-Figueroa of Torreon, Mexico, for the specimen! | |
Row 4 |
 Adamite var. Cuproadamite
Dark green cuproadamite with azurite miniature from the Hilarion Mine, Laurium, Attiki, Greece. Thanks to Tom & Vicki Loomis at Dakota Matrix Minerals for the specimen! |
 Adamite var. Manganadamite
A beautiful miniature of reddish-purple manganadamite from the 14th Level of the Potosi Mine, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico. Some of the manganadamite crystals have adamite overgrowths (larger image, bottom center and right). It also has a Ewan Jones Minerals tag. Thanks to John Veevaert at Trinity Minerals for the specimen and the images! | |
 Adamite var. Nickeloadamite
When nickel replaces some of the zinc in adamite it becomes apple green, as in this thumbnail from near the type locality of Laurion, Attiki, Greece. Thanks to Chris Auer's (Eureka Micromounts) auction on eBay for the specimen! | | |
Row 5 |
This aurichalcite (zinc copper hydroxycarbonate) miniature is from the Ojuela Mine near Mapimi in Durango, Mexico (the best collecting spot in North America). The proportion of zinc (it's a minor zinc ore) to copper is approximately that of brass - if it were available in large quantities it would be useful as a "brass" ore. Thanks to Chris Korpi at Pangaea Minerals for the specimen! |
Beautiful feathery aurichalcite on goethite miniature, probably from the Ojuela Mine. Thanks to Martha Crawford's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
Probably 99% of the aurichalcite in collections these days is in the fuzzy acicular habit - this small cabinet one from Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, is crystalline! | |
Row 6 |
Another crystalline aurichalcite from Mexico - this miniature has layer upon layer of flattened aurichalcite crystals on the top. There's also some acicular aurichalcite on the side and bottom, along with some rosasite and probably hemimorphite. Thanks to Roger Hoek's (ARCH Minerals) auction on eBay for the specimen! | |
Some of the aurichalcite needles on this miniature from the Blanchard Mine, Bingham, Socorro County, New Mexico, are tipped with black plattnerite. There's also a few millimeter-sized rosasite balls and a few hemimorphite crystals. Thanks to Don Goodell's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! | |
An unusual thumbnail aurichalcite nodule with reddish-brown grossulars (larger image, lower right) from the Copper Queen Mine, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona. Thanks to Bonnie Struck's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! |
Row 7 |
A miniature of brilliant radial clusters of austinite (zinc calcium hydroxyarsenate) on an arseniosiderite matrix from the type locality of the Gold Hill Mine in Tooele County, Utah. It forms a series with conichalcite, its copper analog. Thanks to John Sobolewski's auction on eBay for the specimen! | | |
 Austinite, var. Barthite
This is a very nice small cabinet specimen of barthite (or cuproaustinite) also from the Gold Hill Mine. There's lots of other interesting minerals on this specimen, as the larger image shows. It's named after a Southwest African mining engineer. Thanks to Mike Keim at Marin Minerals for the specimen and the image! |
A good micro of bluish-green botryoidal baileychlore (a zinc iron aluminum magnesium phyllosilicate) in a vug from the Christiana Mine, Kamariza Mines, Agios Konstantinos, Lavrion District Mines, Lavrion District, Attikí Prefecture, Greece. It's a member of the chlorite group. Thanks to Paolo Bracci's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! |
Row 8 |
A large micro of light-blue bechererite (a zinc copper hydroxysilicosulfate) coatings on matrix from Dolea, Brusturi, Bihor County, Romania. Thanks to Gabor Koller's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
An excellent micro of yellowish-white bianchite (zinc iron sulfate hexahydrate) from the type locality of the Raibl Mines, Cave del Predil, Tarvisio, Udine Province, Italy. It's a member of the hexahydrite group. Thanks to Paolo Bracci's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! | |
A small miniature of grayish boyleite (zinc magnesium sulfate tetrahydrate) on matrix from the Baccu Locci Mine, Villaputzu, Cagliari Province, Sardinia, Italy. It often dehydrates to gunningite and, like gunningite, is a member of the kieserite group. Thanks to Stefano Broetto's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
Row 9 |
An excellent micro of snow-white massive brianyoungite from the Bastenberg Mine, Ramsbeck, Sauerland, Germany. Thanks to Tom & Vicki Loomis at Dakota Matrix Minerals for the specimen and the images! |
A capsule of submillimeter yellow-brown grains of chaidamuite (a hydrated zinc iron hydroxysulfate) from the Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Potosi District, Humboldt County, Nevada.Ex: Günther Indra (Klagenfurt, Austria) collection. Thanks to Csanad Loranth's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
Row 10 |
A good large micro of pale-yellow changoite (zinc sodium sulfate tetrahydrate) crystals on matrix from the La Compania Mine, Sierra Gorda District, Antofagasta Province, Chile. It's the zinc analog of (magnesium) blodite and is water soluble. Thanks to Tony Nikischer at the Excalibur Mineral Company for the specimen! |
 Christelite with Paratacamite
A beautiful miniature of blue christelite (a hydrated zinc copper hydroxysulfate) and dark-green paratacamite from the type locality of the San Francisco Mine (Beatrix Mine), Sierra Gorda, Caracoles District, Atacáma Province, Chile. Thanks to Rob Lavinsky at The Arkenstone for the specimen and the images! | |
An excellent rich micro of colorless chubarovite (a zinc potassium chloride-borate) crystals on matrix from the type and only locality of the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Second scoria cone, Northern Breakthrough, Great Fissure eruption , Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. This specimen is from the study material of Dr. Igor Pekov. Thanks to Tom & Vicki Loomis at Dakota Matrix Minerals for the specimen and the images! | |
Row 11 |
Gahnite is a zinc spinel (zinc aluminum oxide) and can occur in a variety of colors - here, it's a "color-change" blue from Jemar, Nigeria. Thanks to Tom & Vicki Loomis at Dakota Matrix Minerals for the specimen! |
A small cabinet specimen of denim-blue gahnite on a quartz matrix collected in 1997 from the (now closed) Davis Pyrite Mine in Rowe, Franklin County, Massachusetts. Thanks to Eric Greene's (Treasure Mountain Mining) auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
A miniature of a gahnite crystal on matrix from Franklin, New Jersey. Thanks to Marvin Schwalb's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
Row 12 |
A large thumbnail of gahnite from the Groves Quarry (more correctly, The Hole-In-The-Ground Mine), Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine. Thanks to Frank Butler's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
A thumbnail pair of sharp gahnite crystals in matrix from the Crazy Sphinx Mine, Helena, Lewis and Clark County, Montana. Thanks to Kris Dennis' auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! |
Gahnite can also be light-yellow as in this micro from Franklin, New Jersey. Ex: Kendig Collection #3032. Thanks to Emilie & Ron Kendig's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
Row 13 |
 Gahnite, var. Dysluite
An excellent sharp 1 cm crystal of dysluite (the iron, manganese, and aluminum-containing variety of gahnite) on matrix from Franklin, New Jersey. Thanks to Bill Awald's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
A small miniature of deep red cubes of galkhaite (one of the very few thallium-containing minerals and a very complex sulfosalt) on matrix from the famous Getchell Mine, Humboldt County, Nevada. Thanks to Tom & Vicki Loomis at Dakota Matrix Minerals for the specimen! |
Genthelvite (a zinc beryllosilicate) in a typical "busy" thumbnail from Mont St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada - the genthelvite crystals are whitish and translucent and are almost hidden by the black aegirine and white albite (larger image, right). It forms complete series with danalite (where ferrous iron replaces the zinc) and with helvine (where manganese replaces the zinc) and is considered by some to be a member of the sodalite group. Thanks to Arnaldo Brunetti's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! |
Row 14 |
Beautiful light-blue botryoidal glaucocerinite (a hydrated zinc copper aluminum hydroxysulfate) on a cabinet-size matrix from the Tyrone Mine, Silver City, Grant County, New Mexico. Thanks to Jeff & Heather McCammon's (Second Nature Colorado) auction on eBay for the specimen! |
A beautiful blue-green botryoidal crust of glaucocerinite on matrix comprises this thumbnail from the Christiana Mine, Kamariza Mines, Agios Konstantinos, Lavrion District Mines, Lavrion District, Attikí Prefecture, Greece. Glaucocerinte is a member of the hydrotalcite supergroup (as well as heading its own group). Thanks to Bob Erdman's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
A small miniature of white gunningite (zinc sulfate monohydrate) from the Baccu Locci Mine, Villaputzu, Cagliari Province, Sardinia, Italy. Beneath the white gunningite is probably gray boyleite - from which it dehydrates (and boyleite is present at Baccu Locci). It's also soluble in water and is a member of the kieserite group. Thanks to Stefano Broetto's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
Row 15 |
 Hardystonite and Clinohedrite
Most hardystonite (and its weathering companion, clinohedrite, both calcium zinc silicates) comes from the Franklin / Sterling Hill, New Jersey area - this small cabinet piece is a beautiful blue-violet and orange under longwave UV. Thanks to Brian McManus at the Pebble Peddler for the specimen! |
Hemimorphite is a hydrated zinc hydroxypyrosilicate with crystals that have different terminations at each end (hemi = half and morph = shape) - it's hard to see that on any given specimen because the crystals are all oriented the same way. This miniature's from Goodsprings, Clark County, Nevada. Thanks to Dan Wienrich at Dan & Jill Weinrich for the specimen and the image! |
This small cabinet specimen, from the 16th Level of the Potosi Mine, Gypsum fissure, Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico, has dozens of radiating clusters of hemimorphite covered with tiny white rhombs of calcite. There are a few clusters without calcite and the blades are clear and shiny against the dark brown limonite matrix. Thanks to Rick Green at Uniquely Crystalline for the specimen and the image! |
Row 16 |
This hemimorphite miniature also comes from Santa Eulalia but the crystals here are all clear and colorless against a rich brown limonite matrix. Thanks to Olympic Mountain Gems, Inc. for the specimen! |
A light blue hemimorphite miniature from the 79 Mine, Hayden, Gila County, Arizona. Thanks to Brett Shafer at The Mineral Vug for the specimen and the image! |
Another miniature botryoidal hemimorphite from the 79 Mine. Thanks to Allan Vesely's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
Row 17 |
This sparkly miniature of light blue hemimorphite comes from China. The larger image (right) shows some layering as the hemio and matrix alternated. Thanks to Wright's Rock Shop's table at the 2001 Carnegie Gem & Mineral Show for the specimen! |
A miniature of fans and starbursts of very pale blue to pale tan hemimorphite crystals on matrix, probably from Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Thanks to William & Linda King's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
 Hemimorphite and Rosasite
Hemimorphite and rosasite on a limonite matrix from Mexico. Thanks to Sam Curtsinger's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
Row 18 |
A small cabinet specimen of sky-blue botryoidal hemimorphite on matrix from Wenshan Zinc Mine, Wenshan, Yun Nan Province, China. Thanks to Don Smoley's Minerals & Gems' table at the 2002 Carnegie Gem & Mineral Show for the specimen! |
A large cabinet specimen of colorless hemimorphite on limonite from the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico, It has an Excalibur-Cureton label. Thanks to Marvin Schwalb's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
A thumbnail of very rare lavender massive and purple crystalline hodgkinsonite from the type (and only) locality of Franklin, Sussex County, New Jersey. This is probably the rarest mineral in my collection - only 10 (or so) faceted hodgkinsonites exist! It has a Quarry Enterprises tag and is ex: James F. Carryer collection. | | |
Row 19 |
A thumbnail of hopeite (hydrated zinc orthophosphate) with its dimorph parahopeite from the Broken Hill Mine in Zambia. Thanks to the Shadyside Mining Company's table at the 2003 Carnegie Gem & Mineral Show for the specimen! |
Brilliant white needles of hydrozincite (zinc hydroxycarbonate) on hydrozincite matrix from the Yellow Pine Mine, Goodsprings, Clark County, Nevada. While the entire miniature glows bluish-white under shortwave UV, only the needles glow (a bright lemon yellow) under longwave UV. Thanks to Tom Hales' (Museum Minerals) auction on eBay for the specimen! | |
A miniature of massive and fibrous hydrozincite from the type locality of Bleiberg Mine Bleiberg, Schwarzenbach, Carinthia, Austria. It has a Michigan College of Mines label. Thanks to Thomas Bee's auction on eBay for the specimen! | |
Row 20 |
A small miniaturte of hydrozincite surrounding cerussite with dark brown jarosite from the Yellow Pine Mine, Clark County, Nevada. Thanks to Adam Larson's (Adam's Minerals) auction on eBay for the specimen! |
An excellent specimen of hydrozincite from Zinc Hill near Darwin, Inyo County, California. This miniature is NOT fluorescent. Thanks to Walter Mroch's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! |
A nice thumbnail of pale blue hydrozincite crusts on a sphalerite matrix from the abandoned sphalerite mine at Béke adit, Parádsasvár in the Mátra Mountains, Heves County, Hungary. Thanks to Csanad Loranth's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
Row 21 |
A rich small miniature of pearly-white platy junitoite (zinc calcium pyrosilicate monohydrate) crystals on matrix from the type locality of the Christmas Mine, Gila County, Arizona. Thanks to Tom & Vicki Loomis at Dakota Matrix Minerals for the specimen and the images! | |
This is definitely a mineral that needs to be re-investigated. A capsule of bluish-green kolovratite (a zinc nickel hydrous vanadate, maybe) from the Ojuela Mine, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Ex: Phillips Collection with a Cureton dealer tag. MinDat says kolovratite is only found in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan and is greenish-yellow, but there are other pictures like mine of bluish-green Ojuelan kolovratite on the web. Thanks to Tom & Vicki Loomis at Dakota Matrix Minerals for the specimen! |
A miniature of widely disseminated pink crusts of koritnigite (a hydrated zinc hydroxyarsenate) on matrix from the Svornost (Einigkeit) Mine, Jáchymov (Joachimsthal), Ostrov, Krusné Hory (Erzgebirge), Böhmen, Czech Republic. It forms an incomplete series with cobaltkoritnigite, where cobalt replaces most (75%) of the zinc. Thanks to Claus Hedegaard's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! |
Row 22 |
Köttigite is the analog of annabergite, erythrite, and hornesite - they're structurally similar zinc, nickel, cobalt, and magnesium hydrated arsenates. It also forms a series with parasymplesite. This thumbnail of radiating köttigite sprays on limonite comes from the mines at Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Thanks to Jan Garland's (Fine Rocks) auction on eBay for the specimen! |
These two miniatures (see larger image) of köttigite sprays on matrix are probably also from the Ojuela Mines at Mapimi. See the closeups for other minerals in association. Thanks to Bryan Swoboda's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
This legrandite (hydrous zinc arsenate) miniature comes from the Ojuela Mine near Mapimi, in Durango, Mexico. Unlike most legrandite (even from here) it occurs on a hard matrix (not the usual limonite) and is in a much blockier habit than the usual needles. Thanks to Chris Korpi at Pangaea Minerals for the specimen! |
Row 23 |
A small fragment of pseudocrystalline leiteite (zinc arsenite; though now it's considered a mixed oxide) from the type locality of the Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia - most leiteite these days is cleavages from massives discovered long ago. Thanks to Rob Lavinsky at The Arkenstone for the specimen! | |
An excellent small-cabinet specimen of white acicular clusters of extremely rare magnesiochlorophoenicite (a zinc magnesiun manganese oxyhydroxyarsenate) on matrix from the type locality of the Franklin Mine, Franklin, Franklin Mining District, Sussex County, New Jersey. There's also clusters of bright orange pyramidal zincite (larger image, bottom). Ex: Fred D'Osopo Collection and has a Kendig (Nature's Window) dealer tag. It's isostrucural with and is the magnesium-dominant analog of chlorophoenicite. Thanks to Gregg Jacobus' auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! | |
A nice miniature of lustrous silvery mooreite (a hydrated zinc magnesium manganese hydroxysulfate) crystals on matrix from the Sterling Hill Mine in Ogdensburg, New Jersey. Thanks to Dru Wilbur's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! |
Row 24 |
Pale bluish-green crystals of phosphophyllite (a hydrated zinc iron manganese phosphate) in vugs from the type locality of the Hagendorf-Süd pegmatite, Waidhaus, Vohenstrauß, Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany. Thanks to Tony Nikischer at the Excalibur Mineral Company for the specimen! | |
Scholzite's a calcium zinc phosphate that often occurs in radiating acicular sprays - this small cabinet's from famous Reaphook HIll, 30 km east of Blinman in the Flinders Range of South Australia. Thanks to Mike Keim at Marin Minerals for the specimen and the images!
Thanks also to Trevor Dart for the location clarification! |
A bright sparkly miniature of scholzite needles on matrix also from Reaphook HIll - the larger image (top right) shows one of many well-terminated scholzite needles. Thanks to Justin Zzyzx's (ZzyzxMinerals) auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! | |
Row 25 |
The 79 Mine in Hayden, Gila County, Arizona was the home of this green smithsonite (zinc carbonate) miniature. |
A smithsonite miniature from the Santa Anita Mine, Choix, Sinaloa, Mexico. |
More smithsonite from the same locale (a trace of cobalt gives this one a pink-lavender color) - I bought all three of these miniatures at the 1999 Carnegie Gem and Mineral Show. |
Row 26 |
 Smithsonite with Aurichalcite
Dark green micro smithsonite and light blue aurichalcite crystals on matrix from the 79 Mine in Hayden, Gila County, Arizona. Thanks to Dan Wienrich at Dan & Jill Weinrich for the specimen! |
A miniature of bright yellow smithsonite with greenockite (cadmium sulfide, "cadmium yellow" pigment, named after C. M. Cathcart, Lord Greenock) inclusions on dolomite from the Philadelphia Mine, Rush, Marion County, Arkansas. The closeup shows gemmy "bowtie" epimorphs of smithsonite. Thanks to Dave Hayward at Lucky Strike Minerals for the specimen and the images! | |
A nice blue miniature smithsonite from Sinaloa, Mexico. |
Row 27 |
A beautiful smithsonite thumbnail from the famous Kelly Mine, Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico. Smithsonite from here was marketed as "bonamite" (from the French bon ami - good friend) by the Goodfriend Brothers NYC-based jewelry firm. Thanks to Graeber & Himes' table at the 2001 Carnegie Gem & Mineral Show for the specimen! | |
A cabinet piece of blue-green smithsonite from the 2002 find at Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua, Mexico. Thanks to Tom Hales' (Museum Minerals) auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
A thumbnail of rare smithsonite crystals from Tsumeb, Namibia with greenockite (cadmium sulfide) inclusions (larger image, bottom right). Thanks to Tony Jones' auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! | |
Row 28 |
 Smithsonite on Coronadite
A nice thumbnail of "tear drop" smithsonite on coronadite from the Proprietary Mine, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. Thanks to John Sobolewski's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! |
A full cubic inch of smithsonite crystal from the Tsumeb Mine, Tsumeb, Namibia. Complete with striations, the crystal also shows the typically rounded edges from this locale. Thanks to Kevin Conroy's (Kevin Conroy Minerals) auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
An excellent miniature of pale yellow smithsonite on green cuprosmithsonite also from the Tsumeb Mine. What makes this speciemn especially interesting is the clusters of acicular willemite (larger image; middle center, right; bottom right) - see also this closeup image at the Arkenstone Tsumeb willemite page for another example. Thanks to Justin Zzyzx's (ZzyzxMinerals) auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! | |
Row 29 |
 Smithsonite, var. Herrerite
A beautiful thumbnail of translucent cuprosmithsonite (or herrerite) also from the Tsumeb Mine. It contains up to 3% CuCO3. Thanks to Debbie Woolf at Steiner's Rockshop's auction on eBay for the specimen and images! | |
 Smithsonite, var. Monheimite
Monheimite (or ferrocalamine) is the name given to the iron-rich (nearly 50%) variety of smithsonite. This gemmy small cabinet piece is from La Union, Cartagena, Murcia, Spain. It's named after J. P. von Monheim. Thanks to Michael Hancock's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! | |
This is a small cabinet piece of tarbuttite (triclinic zinc hydroxyphosphate) on matrix - there's tarbuttite all over this specimen from the type locality of the Broken Hill Mine (Kabwe Mine) in Central Province, Zambia. It has a label from the Croad Collection. A synthetic orthorhombic dimorph is known. Thanks to C. Carter Rich's table at the 2002 Carnegie Gem & Mineral Show for the specimen! | |
Row 30 |
A large miniature of tarbuttite on matrix from the Skorpion Mine,Rosh Pinah, Lüderitz District, Karas Region, Namibia. Thanks to David H. Garske's (MINERALS and MORE) auction on eBay for the specimen! |
A pretty thumbnail of sea-green willemite (zinc orthosilicate) from Tsumeb, Africa. It has a label from the Croad Collection. Thanks to C. Carter Rich's table at the 2002 Carnegie Gem & Mineral Show for the specimen! |
This beautiful miniature is also from Tsumeb. Thanks to Marvin Schwalb's auction on eBay for the specimen and the image! | |
Row 31 |
A large cabinet specimen of rare (even from here) yellow willemite, yellow zincite, and franklinite from the Sterling Mine, Ogdensburg, Sussex County, New Jersey. Thanks to John Cianciulli's auction on eBay for the specimen and the fluorescent image! |
A small cabinet specimen of blue willemite on matrix from Tsumeb, Otavi, Namibia. The cause of the blue color is not known. Thanks to Hans Borner's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |
 Willemite, var. Troostite
Troostite's the name given to the manganiferous (reddish) variety of willemite - this thumbnail's from Franklin, New Jersey. There's part of a franklinite crystal on the back. Thanks to C. Carter Rich's table at the 2002 Carnegie Gem & Mineral Show for the specimen! | |
Row 32 |
 Willemite, var. Troostite
An old small cabinet specimen of troostite crystals in matrix from Ogdensburg, New Jersey. It has a University of Wisconsin-Superior and a Trap Hills Mining & Exploration Company, (Bergland, Michigan) tag. Thanks to Michael Flaherty's auction on eBay for the specimen! |
A nice miniature of brown zemannite (a hydrated zinc iron magnesium tellurite) on a quartz matrix from the type locality of the gold-tellurium Bambolla Mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico. Zemannite is a zeolite-like tellurite with an open-channel diameter of 8.28Å. Thanks to Alexander Falster's auction on eBay for the specimen! | |
A tight thumbnail cluster of golden (it's not as red as it looks, larger image, right) zincite (zinc manganese oxide) supposedly from the smelter 'stack at Olkusz, Silesia, Poland (as much of a type locality as possible). Thanks to Jeff Constantino's auction on eBay for the specimen and image! | |
Row 33 |
High quality lamellar reddish-brown zincite and white calcite comprise this small cabinet piece from the type locality of the Franklin Mine, Franklin, Sussex County, New Jersey. The specimen has a John S. Albanese label and is ex: Alex Mann Collection. Thanks to John Cianciulli's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! | |
A miniature of lavender-gray Polish zincite - there's a little of green zincite here too. It also fluoresces a bright lime-green under longwave UV. Thanks to Ann Goldman's auction on eBay for the specimen and the images!
Green acicular zincrosasite (a zinc copper hydroxycarbonate) crystals in a limonitic matrix from the Kamareza District (Agios Konstantinos), Lavrion, Attica, Greece. The zinc predominates here - in rosasite the copper prevails. Thanks to Colleen Thomson's Thomson Minerals auction on eBay for the specimen and the images! |