Instructor: Gary Miller

TA: Jakub Pachocki

Class: MWF 10:30-11:20

Room: GHC 4211

Office Hours:

GM: Mon 2-3 PM and Thur 2-3 in Gates 8109

JP: Mon 5-6 PM or by appointment

    We will be using Piazza for discussions


  • 08/24 Be sure to read the Syllabus [PDF]
  • 09/18 Homework 1 is out [PDF]
  • 09/23 Homework 1 duplicate problem removed [PDF]
  • 09/28 Piazza is now up. Please sign up.
  • 10/5 Homework 2 is out [PDF]
  • 10/13 Homework 2 hints are out [PDF]
  • 10/21 Homework 3 is out [PDF]
  • 11/11 Homework 4 is out [PDF]
  • 12/07 Homework 5 is out [PDF]
  • 12/10 Since there will be no final Homework 5 due Monday the 14th [PDF]
  • triangulated steelers logo