
The required textbook for the course is Computer Networking - A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet (Addison Wesley), first edition, by James Kurose and Keith Ross. It is available in the CMU Bookstore. Almost all the material that we will cover is in the textbook, although we will cover it in a different order.

There are two recommended texts which are useful references (especially if networking becomes your career). You can get the best price on them by ordering from an on-line bookstore.


Date Instructor Topics Notes Readings
Tu 8/28 BMM Introduction, Network Infrastructure, Delays, Packet-Switching, Circuit-Switching PPT PDF   Chapter 1
Th 8/30 BMM Protocol Stacks, Layering PPT PDF  
Tu 9/4 SS Sockets, Application layer PPT PDF Project I assigned 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 3.1, 3.2
Th 9/6 SS Physical Layer, Link layer basics PPT PDF   5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Tu 9/11 SS Ethernet PPT PDF HW 1 assigned 5.4, 5.5
Th 9/13 BMM Bridging/Switching, 802.11, PPP PPT PDF   5.6, 5.7, 5.8
Tu 9/18 SS IP forwarding tables, IP addressing, ARP PPT PDF HW 1 due Chapter 4
Th 9/20 SS IP Packets, Routers PPT PDF  
Tu 9/25 BMM Routing: Distance-Vector (RIP) PPT PDF Project I due
Th 9/27 BMM Routing: Link-State (OSPF) PPT PDF HW 2 assigned
Tu 10/2 BMM Routing: Path-Vector (BGP) PPT PDF Project II assigned
Th 10/4 BMM Multicast PPT PDF   4.8
Tu 10/9 SS DNS PPT PDF HW 2 due 4.7, 2.5
Th 10/11 All TAs Midterm review    
Tu 10/16   MIDTERM    
Th 10/18 TA Project II question/answer session PPT PDF    
Tu 10/23 SS Transport Layer PPT PDF   3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Th 10/25 SS TCP PPT PDF   3.4, 3.5
Tu 10/30 SS TCP (cont.) PPT PDF Project II due 3.6, 3.7
Th 11/1 BMM Other transport issues, Attacks, Firewalls PPT PDF Project III, HW 3 assigned  
Tu 11/6 BMM Network security: cryptography, autentication, integrity PPT PDF   7.1-7.8
Th 11/8 BMM ATM, MPLS PPT PDF   5.9
Tu 11/13 TA Multimedia PPT PDF   6.1-6.4
Th 11/15 BMM QOS basics, Delay guarantees, Leaky buckets, WFQ PS HW3 due 6.5, 6.6
Tu 11/20 TA Intserv, RSVP, Diffserv PPT PDF   6.7 - 6.9
Th 11/22   Thanksgiving Holiday    
Tu 11/27 SS Mobile/Wireless PPT PDF HW 4 assigned  
Th 11/29 SS The Web PPT PDF    
Tu 12/4 TA The Web, Multicast challenges PPT PDF Project III due 4.8
Th 12/6 BMM/SS Networking Futures/Course Overview PPT PDF    


TAs Final Exam Review PPT PDF HW4 due  
Th 12/20   Final Exam