I am a PhD student at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where I work with
Michael Kaess in the the Robotics Perception Lab .
I work on statistical methods for state estimation. I am interested in developing algorithms for efficient and robust inference at the intersection of linear algebra and probabilistic graphical
I completed my Masters in Robotics at CMU working with George Kantor
on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) in agricultural environments.
Prior to that, I worked with Simon Lucey and
Laszlo Jeni on monocular 3D reconstruction.
In my undergrad, I majored in Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland - College Park.
We extend the Gaussian splatting algorithms for two commonly used sonars (Imaging sonars and echosounders) and
propose fusion algorithms that simultaneously utilize RGB camera data and sonar data.
We present a technique to fuse acoustic and optical measurements for 3D reconstruction.
Our framework can reconstruct
accurate high-resolution 3D surfaces from measurements captured over heavily-restricted baselines.
We propose a gradient-based method to
estimate well-conditioned covariance matrices for estimation. We formulate the
the learning procedure as a constrained bilevel optimization
problem over factor graphs.
We propose a gradient-based
method for learning observation
models for robot state estimation with incremental
non-differentiable optimizers in the loop. Our algorithm converges much quicker to model
estimates that lead to solutions of higher quality compared to existing methods
RACOD is an algorithm/hardware co-design for mobile robot path
planning. It consists of two main components: CODAcc, a hardware accelerator for collision detection; and RASExp, an algorithm
extension for runahead path exploration.
We develop a computer vision method to size and track the growth rates of apple fruitlets. Fruitlets are sized using
a combination of deep learning algorithms and are associated across days using a novel Attentional Graph Neural Network approach.