Anind K. Dey
Charles M. Geschke Professor & Director, HCII

Carnegie Mellon University
HCI Institute
NSH 3519
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
+1 (412) 268-1266 (F)
- Interests: Feedback/intelligibility and control in ubiquitous computing, context-aware computing, toolkits and end-user programming environments, sensor-rich environments, information overload, ambient displays, privacy, human-computer interaction, machine learning.
- Current Projects:
Intelligibility and control in context-aware computing, persuasive and self-reflective interfaces, modeling and predicting human behavior, usability and improved performance in active learning, creating salient summaries of experiences to diagnose and support memory issues, learning routines and deteting deviations to support dual-income families, augmented reality interfaces, and programming support for context-aware and sensor-rich environments (toolkits and programming environments).
Look here for an up-to-date list of my research interests.
- Current Status. I am an Associate Professor in the
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Institute at
Carnegie Mellon University.
- Past Work. I received a Bachelors of Applied Science in
Computer Engineering from
Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada
in 1993. I received a Masters of Science in
AeroSpace Engineering from
Georgia Tech in 1995. I received a
2nd Masters of Science and a Ph.D. in
Computer Science at
Georgia Tech in 2000. For my
dissertation, I researched programming support for building context-aware
applications: The Context Toolkit.
I was a member of the
Future Computing Environments research group in the
College of Computing
at Georgia Tech.
Gregory Abowd
was my advisor. I was a Senior Researcher at Intel Research Berkeley from 2001-2004, where my title was Ubicomp Software Architect. At the same time, I was an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the EECS Department at UC Berkeley, where I was a member of GUIR, the Group for User Interface Research.
- Recent Conference/Journal Publications (complete list):
- Ziebart, B., Bagnell, J.A., and Dey, A.K.
Maximum Causal Entropy Correlated Equilibria for Markov Games.
To appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Decision Theory and Game Theory, at AAAI 2010.
- Pavel, D., Callaghan, V. and Dey, A.K.
Looking back in wonder: How self-monitoring technologies can help us better understand ourselves.
Proceedings of Intelligent Envrionments 2010.
- Ziebart, B., Bagnell, J.A., and Dey, A.K.
Modeling interaction via the principle of maximum causal entropy.
To appear in the Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2010).
- Rosenthal, S. and Dey, A.K.
Towards maximizing the accuracy of human-labeled sensor data.
To appear in the Proceedings of Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2010).
- Pavel, D., Callaghan, V. and Dey, A.K.
Democratization of healthcare through self-monitoring technologies.
Proceedings of Pervasive Health 2010.
- Lee, M.L. and Dey, A.K.
Embedded Assessment of Aging Adults: A Concept Validation with Stakeholders.
Proceedings of Pervasive Health 2010.
- Callan, J.A., Siegle, G., Dey, A.K., Spring, M., Rotondi, A., and Dunbar-Jacob, J.
Barriers to CBT Homework: Identification of the problem and a potential technology-enhanced solution (CBT MobileWork).
To appear in the Proceedings of Sixth World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT 2010).
- Davidoff, S., Dey, A.K., and Zimmerman, J.
How Routine Learners can Support Family Coordination.
Proceedings of CHI 2010, 2461-2470.
- Li, I., Dey, A.K., and Forlizzi, J.F.
A Stage-Based Model of Personal Informatics Systems.
Proceedings of CHI 2010, 557-566.
- Harrison, C. Dey, A.K., and Hudson, S.E.
Evaluation of Progressive Image Loading Schemes.
Proceedings of CHI 2010, 1549-1552.
- Shin, C., Dey, A.K., and Woo, W.
Toward Combining Automatic Resolution with Social Mediation for Resolving Multi-user Conflicts.
Cybernetics and Systems Journal, 41(2), pp. 146-166.
- My complete CV and a longer description of my
research interests.
- Recent Classes Taught:
- Ubiquitous Computing, Fall 2009
- Masters of HCI Project Course, Spring 2009, Summer 2009
- Masters of HCI Project Course, Spring 2008, Summer 2008
- From Smart House to Smart Home,
Summer 2007
- Programming Usable Interfaces, Spring 2007
- Context-Aware Computing, Fall 2005
- Programming Usable Interfaces, Spring 2005
- Research Groups:
- My Research Group (under construction!)
- Ph.D. Students and Post-Docs I'm Working With: (past students)
- Ian Li, PhD student (8/04):
- Visualizations to promote self-reflection, motivation and behavior change
- Brian Ziebart, PhD student (8/04):
- Models of structured human behavior: combining ubicomp and machine learning
- Scott Davidoff, PhD student (8/05):
- Dual-career families and smart homes: learning routines and deviations
- Matthew Lee, PhD student (8/05):
- Memory support for elders
- Brian Lim, PhD student (8/07):
- Context-Awareness: Intelligibility of context-aware systema
- Stephanie Rosenthal, PhD student (8/07):
- Context-Awareness: Improving intelligent models in a usable way
- SeungJun Kim, Post-Doc (5/05):
- Context-Awareness: Combining augmented reality and context-awareness
- Jaeyoung Yang, Post-Doc (12/07):
- Context-Awareness: Creating models of and predicting human behavior
- Jin-Hyuk Hong, Post-Doc (5/09):
- Prediction and Classificationn: Predicting mouse motion, and learning human behavior
- Current and Recent Activities (partial list):
- Advisory Board Member, Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Journal and Book Series
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Smart Home
- Steering Committee, CONTEXT conference series
- Steering Committee, Ubicomp conference series
- Co-editor, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal