
The Next-Generation Universal Execution Platform

WebAssembly Research Center

First released for the web in 2017, WebAssembly (Wasm) has enabled a new, powerful class of web applications and languages. Wasm is quickly growing beyond the web, being adopted in a diverse set of platforms from edge computing and distributed compute infrastructure to embedded systems and more. It holds promise as the elusive universal execution platform with strong security properties, broad language support and excellent performance.

Wasm has enabled a new, powerful class of web applications and diverse programming languages on the web. Ultimately, Wasm could serve as the key intermediate layer between software and hardware.

Wasm holds promise as the elusive universal execution platform with strong security properties, broad language support and excellent performance.

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Become a member of the WebAssembly Research Center to connect with our colleagues at DFINITY, Shopify, BoschSiemens, Woven by Toyota and more!

CMU's WebAssembly Research Center Continues to Expand

Center Adds Bosch as Member, Shopify Increases Participation

The WebAssembly Research Center continues to expand, with Bosch joining as a new member and founding member Shopify increasing its participation. "Bringing Bosch on board as a new partner allows us to collaborate in applying WebAssembly to cutting-edge cyber-physical systems," said WRC Director Ben Titzer. "Deepening our relationship with Shopify allows the center to focus on concrete, real-world problems and do research that delivers value directly to developers. Together with our partners, we can advance the overall mission to make WebAssembly tomorrow's universal execution platform."

Read the full article on the SCS News website.


Our mission is to see beyond the horizon to long-term applications of WebAssembly, to fill the pipeline of virtual machine expertise for the next generation, and to benefit language implementers and users.


An array of computer screens displaying code.
The WebAssembly Research Center, created by CMU in 2022, aims to advance the strategic direction of WebAssembly by:
  • Increasing the uptake of Wasm in research through developing and nurturing academic instruction, projects and programs related to Wasm.
  • Developing public Wasm research infrastructure.
  • Training the next generation of Wasm specialists. 

These activities will enable the center to fill the pipeline of virtual machine expertise for the next generation of innovation. By training new VM experts as they investigate long-term research questions and building prototype technologies and tools that advance the state of the art, the center will support the vision of Wasm as the next-generation universal execution platform.

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