15-750: Algorithms in the Real World, Spring 2022

Lecturers: Anupam Gupta (anupamg@cs), Rashmi Vinayak (rvinayak@cs).
TAs: Justin Whitehouse (jwhiteho@andrew), Francisco Maturana (fmaturan@cs), Yuanhao Wei (yuanhao1@cs).
Office hours:Please refer to the class calendar below.
Piazza: Please use private messages on Piazza instead of emailing the course staff, that way the messages will not get lost.

Location: Margaret Morrison A14, Tue/Thu 10:10-11:30.
Piazza: http://piazza.com/cmu/spring2022/15750/home
Gradescope: https://www.gradescope.com/

Course Details and Policies




Maintained by Anupam Gupta and Rashmi Vinayak