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Continuous Hidden Process Model for Time Series

Expression Experiments

This webpage provides supporting information for:

Yanxin Shi, Michael Klutstein, Itamar Simon, Tom Mitchell, Ziv Bar-Joseph
Continuous Hidden Process Model for Time Series Expression Experiments


Dataset List



Process List



Methods (model derivations)



Biological Experiment



Software Implementation



(a) A color screenshot from our software displaying inferred profiles of 5 significant processes for the H2O2 experiment. Red represents induced activity, green repressed activity and black no change. The 5 processes are (from top to bottom): response to oxidative stress; ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolism; chromatin silencing; ribosome biogenesis and G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle. (b) Squared error for reconstructed gene expressions as a function of the number of processes kept. (c) Budding index counts. The percentage of ¡°G1¡±, ¡°S¡± and ¡°G2/M¡± cells are plotted at 10 min intervals. (d) Schematic diagram of the yeast cell cycle.







Last updated at 6th Feb., 2007.