Ship/Smallcraft Code/Type DD Destroyer
Service/Source Royal Manticoran Navy
Class Name Hawkwing
Mass/Displacement (Tons) 65,000
Length Overall (Meters) 650
Maximum Beam (Meters) 150
Maximum Height (Meters) 100
Maximum Acceleration (G) 622 in Normal-Space 5,999.6 in Hyper-Space
Complement 325 (26 Officers + 299 Warrant/Enlisted)
Core Crew 290 (25 + 265)
Marine Complement 35 (1 + 34)
Armament Mounted Weapon Mount Placement
Type/Number Broadside Mounts P/S Chase Mounts F/A
Launcher Mod 7 x12 4/4 2/2
Laser 25cm x6 3/3 0/0
Laser 50cm x2 0/0 1/1
PD Laser Cluster x14 5/5 2/2
Missile(s) Used Mk50 DD/CL-grade series.
Mk3 Countermissile Cannisters
Parasite Complement LCMA x2 (Mk28 Mentor); LCS x1 (C3 Dakota); Other Smallcraft
Designer/Creator RMN BuShips
Notes The oldest class of Destroyer still in active RMN service as of 1900 P.D. Surviving units of this class may be redesignated as frigates after refit with current-generation impellers/inertial compensators.
Ship CO rank is Lieutenant Commander/Commander.
Marine Detachment CO rank is Lieutenant (RMMC).
This class was introduced in On Basilisk Station.
Ships include HMS Hawkwing (once commanded by Honor Harrington and destroyed in the Selker Rift), HMS Havoc, HMS Hotspur.

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