*subject to minor changes and adjustments
The lecture plan will be made available online
Alex and I will cover a variety of topics
there will be nontrivial connections between our
coverage, but I would still view the course as
“selected topics in mathematics of data science”
Lectures will be scribed, more about that in a minute
Scribing carries 2% credit
Approximately 8 short homeworks (every 2-3 weeks)
Homeworks count for 45% of the grade
Homework policy: collaboration is allowed, but solutions must be
written up by you
We will run homeworks and the rest of the class like a research
conference (treat the lectures as “tutorials”)
Everything will be handled via Easychair
Sign up at:
Homeworks will be peer-reviewed
5% of total grade depends on quality of job you do
on easychair (answer key will be provided)
1 day late: 50% credit lost on homework
More than 1 day late: 100% credit lost
Each project should have 2-4 people
Ideal team size: 3
It is important to team up: we wish to encourage
experience in collaborative work
Entire team will get same grade, so pick team wisely
(regardless of who did what percentage of work)
The projects are going to be divided into several easy phases
Initial proposal (2 pages); Who? Why? Etc. (2%)
Project midterm review (10% credit)
(written report, peer-review part, approx 4 pages)
Final report – 8 pages + refs (25%)
Final presentations (8%, 10 mins long per project)
3% credit for reviews
More detail to be avail very soon on the class webpage
Scribing: 2%
Homeworks: 45 + 5 = 50%
Projects: 48%