Fused Deposition Modeling

Process Translation Materials Constraints Costs


What are the size and shape limitations on the parts
  • FDM parts can be as large as the machine they are created in allows. Stratasys currently advertises four machine models on its webpage: Prodigy Plus, FDM 3000, FDM Titan, and FDM Maxum (in increasing size). Various older models such as FDM 1650 and 2000 are still in use today. The current ones, however, create parts from 8 x 8 x 12 in. (768 in.3) to 23.6 x 19.7 x 23.6 in. (10972.112 in.3).
  • Tolerances in the part range from ±0.005 inches for parts 5 inches or less, to ± .0015 in/in for parts over 5 inches.
  • FDM cannot be used to build hollow parts.