- Office of Naval Research. Demonstrating Affordable
Behavior Modeling with CTAT through Machine Learning and Human
Computer Interaction Techniques. Office of Naval Research. 275,000
Over three years.
US Department of Education. "Fellowships in CS to support the learning
sciences and security." Awarded ~800,000 to support 5 PhD students
for 3 years. PI Matt Ward. Co-PI Heffernan, Agu and Mani.
- National Science Foundation: CAREER
Grant. "Learning About Learning"
~ $900,000 accepted
US Dept of Education: Institute of Education Sciences
Using Web-Based Cognitive Assessment Systems for Predicting Student
Performance on State Exams
Requested $1.4 million over 4 years. (WPI Share=.5 Millon) Submitted April 18th,
2003. Pending. Notified we are receiving the grant- August 23rd.
US Army STTR Grant.
requested $100,000 over 6 months for Phase one STTR. Phase Two
will be worth ~$500,000. Submitted April 16th, 2003. Awarded
Research Advancement Program
Programming by Demonstration for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Requested $7,500. Submitted April 28th, 2003. Received
Office of Naval Research
Affordable Cognitive Modeling Authoring Tools using HCI Methods"
Three year grant beginning in 2003. $203,304 over three years. Grant
number N00014-0301-0221
Office of Naval Research "Cognitive
Tutor Tools for Advanced Instructional Strategies" April 1st
-Sept, 30th 2002. $200,000. Co-pi's with Ken Koedinger and Vincent Aleven.
Grant was used to build authoring tools to make the construction of
cognitive tutors easier. I hired 4 individual researchers, including
one PhD, and then supervised them to help produce the tools.
- National Academy of Education/ Spencer Foundation. $50,000. 2002-2004. "A comparison of student learning under multiple conditions: classroom instruction, one-on-one human tutoring, and different types of computer tutoring".
Publications: Reverse Order (PDFs are the best versions to view them in)
- What appears on this page are paper I wrote while I was still at
CMU. For more recent papers, not stored at WPI, follow
this link
Koedinger, K. R., Aleven, V., & Heffernan, N. T.
Toward a Rapid Development Environment for Cognitive Tutors.
12th Annual Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and
Simulation. Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization.
Koedinger, K. R., Aleven, V., & Heffernan, N. T.
Toward a Rapid Development Environment for Cognitive Tutors.
11th International Conference Artificial Intelligence in
Education. Syndey. Australia. pages 455-457. IOS Press. (pages for the poster) Published as a 4 page Poster and an
Interactive Event in which the system will be used by many at the
Conference July 23. See the paper of the same title above for a more
detailed 9 page version.
Heffernan, N. T.
Web-Based Evaluations Showing both Cognitive and Motivational Benefits
of the Ms. Lindquist Tutor 11th International Conference
Artificial Intelligence in Education. Sydney. Australia. pages 115-122.
Heffernan, N. T., & Koedinger, K. R.(2002)
An Intelligent Tutoring System Incorporating a Model of an Experienced Human Tutor
International Conference on
Intelligent Tutoring System 2002. Biarritz, France. Pages 596-608.
Heffernan, N. T., (2002)
Web-Based Evaluation Showing both Motivational and Cognitive Benefits of the Ms. Lindquist Tutor
SIGdial endorsed Workshop on "Empirical Methods for Tutorial Dialogue Systems" which was part of the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring System 2002. Also appeared in a NSF-DFG sponsored workshop on
Collaboration between German and American researchers in instructional technology. Tampa, Florida, May 5-7, 2002
Heffernan, N. T., & Koedinger, K. R. (2001)
Results from a Web-Based Tutor for Writing Algebra Expressions for
. Sciences et Techniques Educatives (This French language journal has
translated our paper into French. My translation of this
Journal's title is "Educational Sciences and Technology.")
Heffernan, N. T (2001) Intelligent Tutoring Systems
have Forgotten the Tutor: Adding a Cognitive Model of Human Tutors.
Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon
University. Technical
Report CMU-CS-01-127.
Heffernan, N. T, Koedinger, K. (2001)
The Design and Formative Analysis of a Dialog-Based Tutor
Workshop at AI-in-Education.
Heffernan, N. T., & Koedinger, K. R. (2000) Intelligent Tutoring
Systems are Missing the Tutor: Building a More Strategic Dialog-Based
In C.P. Rose & R. Freedman (Eds.) Proceedings of the AAAI Fall
Symposium on Building Dialogue Systems for Tutorial Applications, (pp. 14-
19), Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press.
Heffernan, N. T., & Koedinger, K. R. (2000) Building
a 3rd generation ITS for symbolization: Adding a Tutorial Model with Multiple
Tutorial Strategies.
Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000 Conference Workshop entitled
"Learning Algebra with the computer, a transdisciplinary workshop".
(pp. 12-22). Lecture Notes in
Computer Science 1839,
Berlin: Springer.
(11 pages) , (PDF
Best), (html
available here)
Heffernan, N. T. (2000). Adding a Cognitive Model of Human
Tutor to an Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Abstract.
Intelligent Tutoring System Conference- Young Researchers Track.
Heffernan. N. T. (1998) Intelligent Tutoring Systems have
Forgotten the Tutor: Adding a Cognitive Model of Human Tutors.
Thesis Proposal at the Computer Science Department of Carnegie Mellon University.
pages) (PDF
Heffernan, N. T. (1998) Intelligent Tutoring Systems have
Forgotten the Tutor: Adding a Cognitive Model of Human Tutors. Abstract
at Computer Human Interaction Conference Doctoral Consortium.
pages) (PDF
Heffernan, N. T. & Koedinger, K. R. (1998). A developmental
model for algebra symbolization: The results of a difficulty factors assessment.
In Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science
Society, (pp. 484-489). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.(6 pages)
98), (html-View
Now!) or (PDF
Best- except seems to be only the first page..Urgh)
Heffernan, N. T. & Koedinger, K.R. (1997). The composition
effect in symbolizing: The role of symbol production vs. text comprehension.
In Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive
Science Society, (pp. 307-312). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. [Marr prize
winner for best student paper.] (6 pages)
.ps- Best),
98), (PDF
Best), or (View
Now in HTML but with errors in the tables)
Back to The Ms.
Lindquist Algebra Tutoring
Web Site.