The Betensky Kraut Family Album
918 Hastings St., summer 1999, twilight
Aya and Joel designed and made the stained glass windows around front door, fall 1997
Dining room, winter 1994, after fireplace restoration. Bob, Joel, Dan watching TV in the den, 1995?
Hastings St. wisteria, May 1999
Aya, porch, after Joel's 6th grade graduation, June 1994
Joel in courtyard, 1994
Joel's bar mitzvah, Temple Sinai, Jan. 1996
Joel, Temple Chanuka party, 1997 Dan, porch, June 1999
Dan, Bob, and Joel, porch, June 1, 1999 (Aya & Bob's 30th anniversary) Leon, Weinberg Terrace, July 1999
Mala's marker at Temple Sinai Memorial Park.
Aya making latkes for Chanuka, Dan visiting, Bob trying out digital camera, Dec 2001 Dan, portrait at kitchen table

Bob featured in New York Times article about HomeNet research, July 2001

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