Honeywell's I.L.S.A.
I.L.S.A. for Caregivers
External Links

Web Links for Family Caregivers

During the initial research phase of the Independent LifeStyle Assistant TM monitoring system (I.L.S.A.) project, the team gathered information from many sources, including the Internet. We compiled lists of those Web sites we found most useful. We think the Web sites described here will be helpful for caregivers seeking information and support.

U.S. Government Agencies

Health and Medicine

Long-Term Care

Education Resources

See also Technologies for Independent Living

U. S. Government Agencies

Administration on Aging

This web site includes information designed for Older Americans, their families, and anyone providing opportunities and services to enrich the lives of older persons and support their independence.

AHCPR Research on Long-Term Care

The Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) has undertaken and funded important studies in long-term care research. This site summarizes findings and includes bibliographies about these long-term care topics: Use, cost, and financing; Access and quality of care; Organization and delivery of care; Consumer and care giver behavior; Special populations; Data development and methodology.

Federal Consumer Information Center

Lots of free on-line consumer information to help the public€ Consumer publications that you can read or order on-line, other consumer news and links. Topics covered include: Cars, Children, Consumer Help, Education, Employment, Federal Programs, Food, Health, Housing, Money, Small Business, Travel.


The official U.S. Government site for Medicare Information. It offers detailed information about medicare, health plans, nursing homes, helpful contacts, and health issues. It also includes links to related sites and online access to some publications.

National Institute on Aging

In 1974 Congress granted authority to form the National Institute on Aging to provide leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people. The site includes access to articles on specific topics related to aging, as well as background information about research programs, funding and training opportunities, and links to resources (by keyword).

U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services

The site describes programs and initiatives for aging Americans, includes links to related agencies, and provides a search results from Healthfinder on topics of aging.

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Long-term Care

A Consumer's Guide to Nursing Facilities. American Health Care Association

An online article about the long-term health care community, nursing facilities and the types of services they provide.

National Caregiving Alliance

NAC provides support to family caregivers of older persons and the professionals who help them and to increase public awareness of issues facing family caregiving.

The site offers reports, policy news, tips for caregivers, and AXA Foundation Family Care Resources (reviews of books, reports, videos, pamphlets that are available on the web or for purchase and that are of practical use to caregivers or to professionals who work with family caregivers).

See also the weblinks for professional caregivers

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Health topics

The site provides an alphabetic list of health topics linking to fact sheets, professional information, and a range of links to other sources of information on the Web.

Health and Age

An educational Web center to promote interaction between the public and healthcare professionals. The Novartis Foundation works in partnership with healthcare educators to provide medical knowledge on how to remain active and independent through most of the later years.

The site provides weekly news, summaries of research publications, minisites dedicated to different experts in aging, interactive, illustrated educational courses for continuing education, chat rooms.


Education Resources

Family Caregiver Alliance

Family Caregiver Alliance is a community-based nonprofit organization addressing the needs of families and friends providing long-term care at home. The site offers a research clearinghouse, resource center (including support group, referrals), news, policy information, and related links.


Offers topic specific newsletters, online discussion lists, back issue articles Today's Caregiver Magazine, and chat rooms. An online store is under development.


CareScout helps Americans make decisions about eldercare. The site offers needs assessment (care and living arrangements), quality ratings and reviews for care facilities, news, articles, products.

Center for Independent Living

The Center for Independent Living (CIL) helps people with disabilities to live independently and become participating members of society. The site describes CIL services (mainly in the Berkely area), sponsors a message board, offers archives of the CIL newsletter, and lists links for related sites.

Institute on Independent Living

The Institute offers training materials, technical assistance and information on personal assistance, advocacy, access, legislation and peer support. The site includes articles, networking opportunities, referrals, discussion forums.

National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification

The center promotes aging in place and helps communities and service providers improve supportive housing and home modification. The site provides articles and advice on home modification and repair, reviews of helpful products, a directory of related programs, access to some center publications (others can be ordered), and links to related information.


Membership organization giving adults 50+ access to and education about computer technology and the Internet to enhance their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom. The site offers discussion groups, online courses and articles, a showcase of members works.

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