Eugene Fink's past students at the University of South Florida

Eugene Fink

Kevin Pratt

Received M.S. in Spring 2001
Thesis: Locating patterns in discrete time series

Josh Johnson

Received M.S. in Summer 2001
Thesis: Exchanges for complex commodities: Theory and experiments

Savvas Nikiforou

Received M.S. in Spring 2002, with Outstanding Thesis Award
Thesis: Selection of clinical trials: Knowledge representation and acquisition

Jenny Hu

Received M.S. in Spring 2002
Thesis: Exchanges for complex commodities: Representation and indexing of orders

Jianli Gong

Received M.S. in Summer 2002
Thesis: Exchanges for complex commodities: Search for optimal matches

Hong Tang

Received M.S. in Summer 2003
Thesis: Diagnosis of ovarian cancer based on mass spectrum of blood samples

John Hershberger

Received M.S. in Fall 2003
Thesis: Exchanges for complex commodities: Toward a general-purpose system for on-line trading

Rohan V. Malkhare

Received M.S. in Spring 2004
Thesis: Scavenger: A junk mail classification program

Harith Suman Gandhi

Received M.S. in Spring 2004
Thesis: Important extrema of time series: Theory and applications

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