Eric Xing's activity
Research and Development:
On June 11th, 2020, we launched the
Petuum ML
open source consortium that brings our research and development at Petuum Inc. and CMU Sailing Lab on Distributed ML (e.g.,
AutoDist ,
AdaptDL ),
Automated ML (e.g.,
Dragonfly ,
ProBO ),
and Composable ML (e.g.,
Texar ,
Forte )
implemented across PyTorch and TensorFlow under a unified umbrella.
On December 25th, 2013, we made an initial
open-source release of Petuum ,
a new framework for distributed machine learning with massive data, big
models, and a wide spectrum of algorithms. Updates on Petuum are released every
three months. The latest release (version 1.1) was made in July, 2015.
I have been teaching Probabilistic Graphical Models
(10708) , an advanced graduate course on theory, algorithm, and application for multivariate modeling, inference, and deep learning since 2005 at CMU. For all the past versions, please see here .
Video lectures of Probabilistic Graphical Models (10708):
2014 ,
2019 ,
2020 .
I regularly teach
Graduate Machine Learning (10701) , which is a
general Ph.D.-level intro. ML for CMU students from all majors.
Sabbatical and Leave:
Talks and Tutorials:
From Learning, to Meta-Learning, to "Lego-Learning -- A pathway toward autonomous AI
[video ][slides ], CMU AI Seminar, 2022.
It is time for deep learning to understand its expense bills
[video ], KDD Deep Learning Day 2021.
Learning-to-learn through Model-based Optimization: HPO, NAS, and Distributed Systems
[video ], ACL 2021 workshop on Meta Learning and Its Applications to Natural Language Processing.
A Data-Centric View for Composable Natural Language Processing
[video1 ] [video2 ], ICML 2021 Machine Learning for Data Workshop.
Thoughts and Efforts on AI Meeting Production
[video ], Jeffrey L. Elman Distinguished Lecture Series, Halicioglu Data Science Inst., UC San Diego, 2021.
Simplifying and Automating Parallel Machine Learning via a Programmable and Composable Parallel ML System
[slides ]
[video ],
Tutorial, AAAI 2021.
From Performance-oriented AI to Production- and Industrial-AI
[video ],
Michigan Institute for Data Science, 2020.
A Blueprint of Standardized and Composable Machine Learning
[slides ]
[video ],
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 2020.
Compositionality in Machine Learning
[slides ]
[video ],
Open Data Science Conference (ODSC) West 2019.
A Civil Engineering Perspective on Artificial Intelligence From Petuum
[slides ],
Distinguished Lectures in Computational Innovation , Columbia University, 2018.
A Statistical Machine Learning Perspective of Deep Learning: Algorithm, Theory, and Scalable Computing
[slides ],
tutorial at the International Summer School on Deep Learning, Genova, Italy, 2018.
Standardized Tests as benchmarks for Artificial Intelligence
[slides ],
tutorial at EMNLP, Melbourne, Australia, 2018.
PetuumMed: algorithms and system for EHR-based medical decision support
[slides ], MIT, 2018.
System and Algorithm Co-Design, Theory and Practice, for Distributed Machine Learning
[slides ],
[video ],
at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, 2017 .
Strategies & Principles for Distributed Machine Learning
[slides ],
[video ],
Allen Institute for AI, 2016.
The Machine Learning Behind Reading and Comprehension
[slides ],
Summit of Language and AI, China, 2016.
A New Look at the System, Algorithm and Theory Foundations of Distributed Machine Learning
[slides ],
tutotial with Dr. Qirong Ho at the
21st ACM SIGKDD Conference on knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015) .
Big ML Software for Modern ML Algorithms
[slides ],
tutotial with Dr. Qirong Ho at the
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2014) .
Topic Models, Latent Space Models, Sparse Coding, and All That: A systematic understanding of probabilistic semantic extraction in large corpus
[slides ], tutotial at the
50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2012) .
Modern Statistical Methods for Genetic Association Study: Structured
Genome-Transcriptome-Phenome Association Analysis
[slides ],
tutotial With Dr. Seyoung Kim, at the
Nineteenth International
Conference on Intelligence Systems for Molecular Biology
(ISMB 2011) .
Some earlier talks:
I gave an invited talk on "On Learning Sparse Structured Input-Output Models" [slides ] at the
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and
Computational Natural Language Learning (EMNLP 2012).
I gave a tutorial on "Topic Models, Latent Space Models, Sparse Coding, and All That: A systematic understanding of probabilistic semantic extraction in large corpus" [slides ] at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2012).
With Dr. Seyoung Kim, we gave a tutorial on "
Modern Statistical Methods for Genetic Association Study: Structured
Genome-Transcriptome-Phenome Association Analysis" [slides ] at the Nineteenth International Conference on Intelligence Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2011).
I gave a keynote talk on "Sparsity and Learning Large Scale Models" [slides ] at the 2011 CVPR Workshop on
Large Scale Learning for Vision .
I gave a keynote talk on "Dynamic Network Analysis: Model, Algorithm, Theory, and Application" [slides ] at the Eighth Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs , 2010.
I gave a keynote talk on "Genome-Phenome Association Analysis of Complex Diseases - a Structured Sparse Regression Approach" [slides ] at the Tenth Annual International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology , 2010.
I gave
a keynote talk on "Jointly Maximum Margin and Maximum Entropy Learning of Graphical Models" [slides ] at
the NIPS
I gave
a keynote talk on "Time Varying Graphical Models: reverse engineering and analyzing rewiring networks" [slides ] at
the NIPS
2009 Mini-Symposium on Machine Learning in Computational Biology .
I gave
a keynote talk on "Recent Advances in Learning Sparse Structured
Input/Output Model: Models, Algorithms, and Applications" at
the NIPS
2008 Workshop on "Structured Input, Structured Output" .
I gave
a talk on Time-Varying
Networks: Reconstructing Temporally/Spatially Rewiring Gene Interactions
at the 2008 RECOMB Regulatory Genomics workshop.
co-organized NIPS
2012 Workshop on "Spectral Learning" .
co-organized ICML
2011 Workshop on "Structured Sparsity: Learning and Inference" .
co-organized NIPS
2008 Workshop on "Analyzing Graphs: Theories and Applications" .
co-organized ICML
2007 Workshop on Learning in Structured Output Spaces .
co-organized NIPS
2007 Workshop on Statistical Models of Networks .
I gave
a keynote talk on "Graphical
models and algorithms for integrative bioinformatics" at the 6th annual Graybill
Conference .
I gave
a keynote talk on
"Probabilistic graphical models: theory, algorithm, and application"
at ICMLA 07 .
I am a member of the DARPA Information Science and Technology (ISAT) Advisory Group.
And I serve on the NIH Bio-Data Management and Analysis (BDMA) Study Section.