On June 11th, 2020, we launched the
Petuum ML
open source consortium that brings our research and development at Petuum Inc. and CMU Sailing Lab on Distributed ML (e.g.,
Automated ML (e.g.,
and Composable ML (e.g.,
implemented across PyTorch and TensorFlow under a unified umbrella.
On December 25th, 2013, we made an initial
open-source release of Petuum,
a new framework for distributed machine learning with massive data, big
models, and a wide spectrum of algorithms. Updates on Petuum are released every
three months. The latest release (version 1.1) was made in July, 2015.
I have been teaching Probabilistic Graphical Models(10708), an advanced graduate course on theory, algorithm, and application for multivariate modeling, inference, and deep learning since 2005 at CMU. For all the past versions, please see here.
Video lectures of Probabilistic Graphical Models (10708):
I regularly teach
Graduate Machine Learning(10701), which is a
general Ph.D.-level intro. ML for CMU students from all majors.
A Statistical Machine Learning Perspective of Deep Learning: Algorithm, Theory, and Scalable Computing
tutorial at the International Summer School on Deep Learning, Genova, Italy, 2018.
Standardized Tests as benchmarks for Artificial Intelligence
tutorial at EMNLP, Melbourne, Australia, 2018.
PetuumMed: algorithms and system for EHR-based medical decision support
[slides], MIT, 2018.