Wireless Emulator Papers
10. Experience with a Wireless Network Testbed based on Signal Propagation Emulation, Kevin Borries, Xiaohui Wang, Glenn Judd, Eric Anderson, and Peter Steenkiste, IEEE European Wireless 2010 Lucca, Italy, April 12-15, 2010, invited paper.
9. Network-Scale Emulation of General Wireless Channels, Xiaohui Wang, Kevin Borries, Eric Anderson, and Peter Steenkiste, IEEE 2011 IEEE 74th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2011-Fall), September, 2011,San Francisco.
8. FPGA-Based Channel Simulator for a Wireless Network Emulator , Kevin Borries, Glenn Judd, Dan Stancil, and Peter Steenkiste, IEEE 2009 IEEE 67th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2009-Spring), April 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
7. The Use of a Controlled Wireless Testbed in Courses , Peter Steenkiste, 14th ACM-SIGCSE Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education , ACM, Paris, July 3-8, 2009.
6. Design and Implementation of an RF Front End for Physical Layer Wireless Network Emulation, Glenn Judd and Peter Steenkiste, IEEE 2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2007), April 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
5. Efficient Simulation of Mobile-To-Mobile Rayleigh Fading using Gaussian Quadrature, Kevin Borries and Dan Stancil, IEEE 2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2007), April 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
4. A Software Architecture for Physical Layer Wireless Network Emulation, Glenn Judd and Peter Steenkiste, he First ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and CHaracterization (WiNTECH 2006), held in conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2006, September 2006, Los Angeles.
3. Using
Emulation to Understand and Improve Wireless Networks and Applications,
Glenn Judd and Peter Steenkiste, 2nd Symposium on
Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2005), Usenix
and ACM,
2. A Simple
Mechanism for Capturing and Replaying Wireless Channels, Glenn Judd and
Peter Steenkiste, Workshop on Experimental Approaches
to Wireless Network Design and Analysis, held in conjunction with ACM
SIGCOMM’05, Philadelphia, August 2005.
1. Repeatable and Realistic Wireless Experimentation
through Physical Emulation, Glenn Judd and Peter Steenkiste,
HotNets-II, November 2003,
Scalable Real-Time Channel Simulation for Wireless Network Emulation",
Kevin Borries, Spring
2011, ECE PhD thesis.
Approaches to Wireless Experimentation”, Sam Burnett, Spring
2008, CS undergraduate thesis.
“Extending the
Wireless Network Emulator for Software Defined Radios”, Jennifer Ann Peterson, Spring 2008, ECE undergraduate thesis.
“On Estimating
Available Bandwidth in Wireless LANs,” Yongsub Nam,
MS Thesis, Information Networking Institute,
2. A Using Physical Layer Emulation to Understand and Improve Wireless Networks, Glenn Judd, PhD Thesis, Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, October 2006. Also published as technical report CMU-CS-06-164.
1. “A
Programming Environment for a Wireless Emulator”, Swathi Koundinya, MS Thesis, Information Networking
Papers using the emulator:
16. Understanding 802.11 Performance in Heterogeneous Environments, Kaushik Lakshminarayanan, Srini Seshan, Peter Steenkiste , Workshop on Home Networks (HomeNets'11), collocated with SIGCOMM'11, August 2011.
15. Robust Wireless Video Streaming Using Hybrid Spatial/Temporal Retransmission, Mei-Hsuan Lu, Peter Steenkiste, Tsuhan Chen , IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Wireless Video Transmissions, volume 28, number 3, April 2010.
14. Experience with a Wireless Network Testbed based on Signal Propagation Emulation, Kevin Borries, Xiaohui Wang, Glenn Judd, Peter Steenkiste, Daniel Stancil , European Wireless 2010, Lucca, Italy, April 12-15, 2010, invited paper.
13. Bridging the Gap Between Physical Layer Emulation and Network Simulation, Stylianos Papanastasiou., Jens Mittag., Erik G. StrÂom. and Hannes Hartenstein , IEEE WCNC, Sydney, Australia, April 2010.
12. RFDump: An Architecture for Monitoring the Wireless Ether, Kaushik Lakshminarayanan, Samir Sapra, Srini Seshan, Peter Steenkiste , CoNEXT'09, ACM, Rome, Italy, December 2009.
11. Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Efficient Opportunistic Retransmission Protocol, Mei-Hsuan Lu, Peter Steenkiste, Tsuhan Chen, The Fifteen International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom'09), ACM, Beijing, China, September 2009.
10. A Case for Adapting Width in Wireless Networks , Ranveer Chandra, Ratul Mahajan, Thomas Moscibroda, Ramya Raghavendra, and Victor Bahl, to appear in ACM SIGCOMM 2008.
9. Using Commodity Hardware Platform to Develop and Evaluate CSMA Protocols, Mei-Hsuan Lu, Peter Steenkiste, and Tsuhan Chen, The Third ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2008), held in conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2008, Bay Area, September 2008.
8. Characterizing 802.11 Wireless Link Behavior, Glenn Judd and Peter Steenkiste, to appear in Wireless Networks (WINET) Journal, Springer.
7. Interference
in Wireless Multihop Networks: A Model and its
Experimental Evaluation, G.Parissidis, M. Karaliopoulos, M. May, T. Spyropoulos,
B. Plattner,
6. Using Physical Layer Emulation to Optimize and Evaluate Mobile and Wireless Systems, Glenn Judd, Xiaohui Wang, Mei-Hsuan Lu, and Peter Steenkiste, 5th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous 2008), Dublin, Ireland, July 2008.
5. Efficient Channel-aware Rate Adaptation in Dynamic Environments, Glenn Judd, Xiaohui Wang, and Peter Steenkiste, The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys’08), Denver, June 2008.
4. “Interference-aware
Routing in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks”, Georgios Parissidis, PhD Thesis, EE department, ETH
3. Understanding
Link-level 802.11 Behavior: Replacing Convention with Measurement, Glenn
Judd and Peter Steenkiste, Wireless Internet
Conference 2007 (Wicon07), October 2007,
2. Interference-Aware Transmission Power Control for Dense Wireless Networks, Xi Liu, Srini Seshan, and Peter Steenkiste, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of ITA, College Park, MD, September 2007.
1. Link-level Measurements from an 802.11b Mesh Network , Daniel Aguayo (MIT), John Bicket (MIT), Sanjit Biswas (MIT), Glenn Judd (CMU), Robert Morris (MIT), SIGCOMM 2004, September 2004.
Research funded by the National Science Foundation through
the NeTS program.
Support is also provided by Intel and Xilinx.