CPSR: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility: Pittsburgh Chapter
A public-interest alliance of computer scientists and others concerned about the impact of computer technology on society

CPSR/Pittsburgh Home
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Regular Chapter Meetings
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Carnegie Mellon University
CMU School of Computer Science


Regular Meetings

We have suspended regular meetings since about March 2003. Anyone interested in restarting the reading group should speak up.

Upcoming Reading Group Topics

Nothing scheduled.

Reading Group Topics Archive

Suggested Future Reading Group Topics

From Matt, Mar. 15, 2002: Today I came across an article about CopyLefts vs. Copyrights

Sonya suggests that we screen a Harun Farocki film about a high-security prison in California that is acting as a testing ground for all sorts of surveillance and other technology.


If your machine can see afs and you are part of our afs group, you should be able to get minutes from here. Having problems? Contact Trey. Some meeting notes are still only on paper.

Last modified: $Date: 2004/11/29 16:23:59 $