CPSR: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility: Pittsburgh Chapter
A public-interest alliance of computer scientists and others concerned about the impact of computer technology on society

CPSR/Pittsburgh Home
CPSR Parent Organization
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Carnegie Mellon University
CMU School of Computer Science


CPSR/Pittsburgh Reborn...

After a decade of inactivity, the Pittsburgh chapter of CPSR has been revived. The impetus for this came out of a discussion among several graduate students, faculty, and administrators on "Computing post-WTC." We have already had our first event, a panel discussion on the impact of the World Trade Center incident, as an immediate response to changes happening on CMU's campus. The event was a great success (see the review in the Tartan) and we look forward to bringing more events like it to the community.

Our vision for a lasting effect is to continue and expand the discourse on the social impact of computer science beyond one single event. Our current plan for carrying this out includes

  • a series of panel discussions and seminars on the social ramifications of computer science and the consideration of society's needs in developing new technology
  • sponsoring films on campus that deal with issues in technology and society
  • reading and discussing articles on current events relevant to CPSR interests
  • anything else that interested members suggest

We would like to have as many current or former members as possible get involved in an active chapter once again, and to spread the word to others in the area who might be interested in getting involved.


Joining CPSR/Pittsburgh

To find out what's going on, jump on our mailing lists (see below) or show up at one of our regular meetings, where we do reading group discussions and organize events. Formal CPSR/Pittsburgh membership is open to all members of the CPSR parent organization (see below), but you don't need to be a member to get involved.

Joining the CPSR Parent Organization

Join the CPSR parent organization via their web site. This involves modest annual dues--note the $20 student rate. Benefits include the PING! paper newsletter and regular e-mail updates. Support CPSR!

Contact Information

Please send e-mail to cpsr-members-request@cs.cmu.edu.

Our 2002-2003 officers are:

Mailing Lists

  • cpsr-events: announcements of high-profile events
  • cpsr-members: regular meeting announcements
  • cpsr-verbose: high-bandwidth discussions

Please send e-mail to cpsr-members-request@cs.cmu.edu (which forwards to a person, not a mail server) if you want to be added to any of the lists.

Some Chapter History

Formal Organization

Read our Bylaws.

Last modified: $Date: 2002/09/18 18:43:37 $