The CORAL group covers a wide range of project activities ranging from robots through to simulated agents, learning and planning. This page provides links to each of the projects that are currently active, or have been active, within the CORAL group.


A team of simulated robot soccer agents. This project fits under the umbrella of our Robot Soccer initiatives.


A team of Sony AIBO robots for playing robot soccer. This project fits under the umbrella of our Robot Soccer initiatives.


Our on-line robotics course using the Sony AIBO's. The course was built from our RoboCup research.


A team of small-size robots built at Carnegie Mellon for playing small-size robot soccer. This project fits under the umbrella of our Robot Soccer initiatives.


A team of Segway RMP robots and humans riding Segway HT's for exploring human-robot teams in adversarial environments. This project fits under the umbrella of our Robot Soccer initiatives.


Ubersim is our project towards developing configurable, high-fidelity simulation for vision-centric robots operating in complex, dynamic domains.


A system for improving organization efficiency by aiding users during meetings. This project aims to record and analyze meetings by recognizing the behavior of the meeting attendees.


A system for improving organization efficiency by automatically scheduling meetings on your behalf via email. This project aims to learn the user preferences and automatically negotiate on the users behalf with other agents and humans. This project is a part of the RADAR project.


A system for adapting complex planning domain descriptions of real-world mission planning scenarious by learning from execution failures.


A team of highly customized ER1 robots built at Carnegie Mellon for competiting in the RoboCup@Home league. The goals of this project are to explore useful and robust human robot interaction (HRI) in indoor/home settings.